Luke 19:1-10


Luke tells us his purpose 1:1-4 and 19:10 is the golden key that unlocks Lukes gospel so you may know with certainty those things (19:1-10) in which you where instructed

If Lukes purpose is.........surely those who claim Luke 19:10 the key verse that unlocks the Gospel.

Here before us is a glorious illustration of it.

Some facts about Lukes Gospel



Now use the magnifying glass > come up close 19:10 illust by 19:1-9


    v1. Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho

    Who is it that who seeks you tonight? V1a

    In v1 luke calls him Jesus

    He is the one of whom the angel said to Joseph concerning Mary, "And she will bring forth a son, and you shall call his name JESUS, for he will save his people from their sins." Matt 1:21. What does this name Jesus mean? In the language of the Old Testament it was Joshua the name being made up of Jehovah and to save implying Jehovah the Saviour , so He is able to save His people from their sins.

    In v10 Luke tells us Jesus called Himself the Son of Man

    How does Jesus seek you - He does it in

    Firstly He comes to where you are

    Why is Jesus passing through Jericho ? v1a

    In Ch 18: 35 we read, " Then it happened that as he was coming near Jericho�here we read, "And passed through Jericho v1 He is on His way to Jerusalem where a Roman cross awaited him. Jericho was important because it was at the center of a great trade route. Here High taxes & tolls where collected for the Roman Government . was a city where some of the streets where lined with Sycamore trees. Finally Jericho is important because as Jesus tells us, "For the Son of Man[that's Him] has come to seek and to save that which is lost." V10. No, this Jesus has come to rescue "His People".Substitute My Sheep John 10 Ezkeial Women at the well, calls the disciples

    App: Just as it is no accident Jesus was passing through Jericho so it is no accident you are here tonight. The Bible says God is in complete control of our lives. If you have come in here lost tonight and we shall see what it is to be lost, then the Son of Man[Jesus] has come to seek and save such a one as you. Coming all you life, started coming, first time

    V2 Now behold there was a man named Zaccheus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich.

    Luke draws our attention to a man, It's as if he says "hello, can I have your attention, this is important,?

    2ndly. We see that Zaccheus is lost v2

    Look at Zaccheus

    "there was a certain man named Zaccheus." His name means, the righteous one, but like all of us Zaccheus certainly didn't live up to his name. In an impersonal world you are important to God, why? Because He made you. You are not just a number on a credit card, a pay slip or an student exam paper. Your name defines who you are and we shall see just as Jesus calls Zaccheus to Himself so He calls you to come to Himself through this account of how He makes Zaccheus His friend.

    Zaccheus was a Tax Collector or gather. He literally farmed the taxes for the Romans from his fellow Jews. He was therefore greatly despised by his fellow Jews. They considered him a traitor and a thief. What do you?, are you a child, Jesus said not to stop the young children coming to him. Are you a student to night, Jesus loves students and rescues thousands ever year, Are you a worker, Jesus first disciples where simple fisherman and a tax collector.

    Zaccheus was rich, overflowing in riches. Is it wrong to be rich? It's wrong to be rich or want to be rich if you are trusting in your riches. I have to ask you tonight are you trusting - relying on your riches rather that rusting in Christ. Jesus said you cannot serve God and money.

    What does the record show? In terms of God having first place in your life quilty - aquiring money and being rich had first place. In terms of wanting what is not rightfully yours - be it some else's toys, abilities, girl friend, wife or in this case money -quilty

    3rdly AccordiIf you are not a ChristWe are lost

    What does it mean to be lost?

    what does it mean when Jesus saves He came to seek the lost? > meaning of the word in the original = to kill or destroy > Luke 15:4 15:4 What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, does not leave the ninety - nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost, until he finds it?

    App: Jesus knows your name > Jesus know you nature � Bad record = all we like Ist Parents sheep have gone astray = lost & Bad heart > why Rich = Rom 7 10 com Gal 3:10

    Secondly, you can know without a shadow of a doubt that despite being


How does Jesus draw you to Himself, well look at our text

It's as if Luke uses a play on words - "And he sought to see who Jesus was....."

the word in the original lanuage means "to seek..." The same word Jesus uses "for the Son of Man has come to seek ..."

App "If you are seeking the Lord tonight it's only because He is first seeking you - What are the words of that Hymn?

I sought the Lord, and afterwards I knew He

moved my soul to seek Him, seeking me;

It was not I that found, O Saviour true; no

I was found of you

Objection: I know I'm lost and I've been seeking Christ but I can't find Him?

Answer: You say you are seeking Christ, Christ says from this passage He has come to seek and to save lost ones just like you. How long do you think it will be before you find each other? Cry out to God and say Lord you have said in your word.. "You shall seek me and find me when you shall search for me with all your heart.." [Jer 29:13]

How does Jesus draw you to Himself?

Dinky Dye - if it's real -genuine

How does Jesus draw you to Himself,

"So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way."

Zaccheus is like a schoolboy, he forgets about himself and with impulsiveness he literally runs up into the sycamore tree in such a simple childlike way.

App: Friend get into the place where you can see Jesus. If this is your first time here tonight come again - you will see Jesus as He is preached from the Bible. Ask the friend who bought you tonight for a Bible and begin reading - in Luke read and reread asking God to open your eyes to who this Jesus is -that as king he demands first place in your life.


App: Go to where you can see jesus > Printed word > Preached Word = met Him there

Transition: Why is Jesus seeking you who are lost?

So he can save you who are lost. > Secondly, you can know without a shadow of a doubt that��


What does it mean to be saved? Why can He restore you? Because

Jesus knows You v5a

Jesus comes to you tonight

Illust: Rani�s mother

Jesus has compassion on you tonight

Notice v 5b "He looked up and saw him�." But notice what Jesus does, " He looked up�."

What a stupendous statement ? That Jesus; fully God & man looks up, looks up, oh what incredible condescension, what great sympathy, for this man Zacchesus. The Apostle writes to the Phillippians and says about

Jesus, "Who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with god, but made himself of no reputation, Here it is, Made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men.

# Illust: In Luke 10: 33 Jesus told a story about "But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when He saw him, PAUSE - he had compassion on him." His heart went out to him.

App: Yet the incredible thing is that this same Jesus who sits at the right hand of God the Father looks with the same compassion & pity on you this evening

Jesus sees you tonight v5b

Jesus Calls You tonight v5b

Illust: Parents Call & Court Summons

App: He calls you to Himself to evening through this His word. Do you deserve it, that He call you by name a thousand nos. He is perfectly just as the Holy God to cut your life short this instant and despatch you to a physical place called Hell. A place where your never dying soul will experience unbearable pain from it�s raging fire.

Respond as Jesus calls you v6 � the right way

How? > 1stly Respond as Jesus Call you By God�s Word � obey � with joy How? Humbly �condecesion


App: > If Jesus has called you > you will obey and be joyful about it �The fruit of Repentance � John Baptist > bring forth fruit�..

Why? Because if you don't Jesus will have no alternative but to punish you in hell forever!!

2ndly Respond As Jesus Calls you by turning & returning v8

Can you turn yourself? No God must work in your heart by His grace

3rdly Don't make the wrong response v7 Religion > works

Jesus lets you know your restored to Him v9

Because of your bad record > Lost/Perish I�m the good shepherd > lay down my life / Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all��.

Today - app tonight

Salvation- explain �app tonight

Now in terms of a his bad record - not quilty

House -explain �app tonight

Illust: 2001 & Ammageddon


Why you can be restored v 10

who are the lost? His people Matt 1:21

John 18:14

2 Cor 4:3

Illust: My Daughter � brat down the road My God My God why have you ���

Entry Are you lost tonight��. Bad record Bad heart > Look on Jesus > Cross He Calls you by name
