Genesis 4

How to Overcome Depression


In this chapter we have both the world and the Church in a family. Cain and abel represent the Godly and the Ungodly, the Church and the World, the Children of God and the Children of the Devil. An early incident between the seed of the women and the seed of the serpent.

Outline of Chapter

1. The Birth, Names and calling of Cain & Abel v1-2

2. Spiritual Depression And How To Overcome It v3-7

3. The Tragic Results That May Follow From Not Overcoming v8

4. The first trial of a criminal in the Bible

5. The Family of Cain & Their Doings vi 6-24

6. A Son And Grandson For Adam v25- 26


1. Why You Become Spiritually Depressed? v3

i. Because You Do Not Handle Your Initial Problems God's way.

Cain bought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the Lord

Gen 4:3

Note: Cain began badly by presenting a sinful offering before God.

2. Why You Continue To Be Spiritual Depressed? v5

i Because You Respond Wrongly To Your Problems.

But He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry and his countenance fell. Gen 4:5

Note: When God rejected his offering, Cain complicated the problem by responding wrongly to the rejection (He became angry and depressed: his face fell)

3. Why You Can Get Into A Downward Spiral with Spiritual

Depression? Gen 4:8

i.Because It Can Often Become The Excuse For A Wrong Handling Of The Sin Itself.

Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose against Abel his brother and killed Him. v8

Note: Sin leads to guilt and depression, sinful handling of sin further complicates matters leading to greater quilt and deeper depression, ad infinitum

4. A Warning Concerning The Consequences Of Not Overcoming

Spiritual Depression. Gen 4:7b

5. How To Overcome Spiritual Depression Gen 4:7a

i.Change your behaviour And do what's right

If you do well, will you not be accepted? v7a

Note: God said if you do right, you will feel right, (vs 6-7 - lit. If you do right, will there not be a lifting up - a long face or frown)

ii.Change your behaviour by repenting of your wrong attitrudes or behaviour v7 Note: God offers you hope by saying that you can reverse the spiral and rule over sin by breaking out of the sinful pattern through repentance and a