Psalms in Human History

By ROWLAND E. PROTHERO. 6th September 1903.

Documents Psalms Index

Appendix B

Index to the use of particular Psalms

In this index the historical instances of the use of the Psalter, which in the text are given chronologically, are arranged under the particular Psalms to which they refer.

PSALMS I.-viii.-Milton, 163.

PSALM l.-Byron, 213 ; Ruskin, 217.
v. 2. Jerome, 28
4. Boswell, 213.

PSALM II.-Luther, 90.

PSALM III.-English nation, 117;
The Huguenots, 125.
v. 5, 6. Duff (Indian Mutiny), 238.

PSALM IV.-Luther, 90.
v. i. Augustine, 36.
2. Augustine, 36.
7. James Melville, 178 ;
James Gardiner, 233.
9. Gorgonia, 23; Luther, 23,
89 ; Langland, 80; Ridley, 100.

PSALM V.-v. 7. Louis IX., 74.

PSALM vi.-Becket, 60 ; Bishop Hooper, 100; Mar of s version, 104 n. ; Catherine de Medicis, 125.
u.i. Florin of Edward HI., 15.
2. Maine de Biran, 210.
2-4. Jane Welsh Carlyle,234.
3. Calvin, 128.
6. Langland, 80.

PSALM vin.-Ruskin, 217.
^ v. i, 2. Chaucer, 79.
?^-: 2; Martin of Tours, 30.
EY'^ 4. Bernard Palissy, 127.
^; 5. EarlofArundel,toi.

PSALM vin.-v. 6, 7. Butchers' Company, 14.

PSALM ix.-v. 10, Dante, 78.
i2. Archbishop Laud, 161.

PSALM x.-Henry Martyn, 226.

PSALM xi.-Mary, Queen of Scots, 116.

PSALM xn.-Luther, 104 ; The
Tobie, 119; Ruskin, 217.
v. 6. John Howard, 220.

PSALM xin.-v. i. Calvin, 128.
3. Saracen, apud Gregory of Decapolis, 21.

PSALM xiv.-Queen Elizabeth, 113 ; Ruskin, 217 ;
Henry Martyn, 227.
v. i. Bacon, 120.
2. Baldwin, 63.

PSALM xv.-Ruskin, 217; Henry Martyn, 227.
" v. i. Langland, 80.
6. Langland, 80.

PSALM xvi.-Jean Rousseau and Duchess of Orleans, . 130; Hugh M'Kail, 182;
. Henry Martyn, 227.
v. 4. William Carey, 223.
7. Beauchamp family motto, 14.
12. James Melville, 178.

PSALM xvn.-John Gibson, 190.
, v. 5. John Howard, 220,
^ ' 16. Julius Hare, 205.

PSALM xvii.-v.i6. John Howard, 220.

PSALM xvin.-u. lo. Shakespeare, 122.
8. Shakespeare, 122.
25-27. Rev. George Walker, 195.
28. James Melville, 178.
29. Mause Headrigg, 181.
' 39, 40. Clovis, 55.

PSALM xix.-Joseph Addison, 212 ; Ruskin, 217.
v. 5. Shakespeare, 122; Milton, 164.
. i3. Bunyan,166, 167.

PSALM xx.-Gwynlliu and Cadoc, WTXW-" 48; Sir James Simpson, v\ 211'
^" : v.-'7. Antony, 26 ; Patrick, 43 ;
\- - Adelme,ofChaise-Dieu, J^ . 64.
9. National Anthem, 14.

PSALM xxi.-Henry of Navarre, 136.

PSALM xxn.-Bp. Hooper, 100.
^ v. i. Richard I., 63. :
; 12. Shakespeare, 121.
21. Royal supporters, 14.
27. Henry Martyn, 226.

PSALM xxin.-Chosen by Angustine as the hymn of martyrs, 21; Bishop Hooper, 99 ; George Herbert, 123 ; Isabel Alison and Marion Harvie, 191; Edward Irving, 208 ; Joseph Addison, 212 ; Byron, 213; Ruskin, 217.
v.i. Neander, 206.
4. James Melville, 178 ; Sir William Hamilton, 210;
JohnHoward,22o; Alexander Duff, 228.
^WtA 6. Benedictine Rule, 50 ; father of Richard Cameron, 186.

PSALM xxiv.-Legends of South-West France, 8l; Ruskin, 217.

PSALM xxiv.- v. I. Great Exhibition of 1851,15.
7-10. Langland, 80:, The Golden Legend, 82 ', Milton, 163.
8. Alfred, Neot, 53

PSALM xxv.-Margaret Wilson, 192.
v. I. Louis IX., 74. .i
6. Pico della Mirandola, 93. ^
13. William Edwards (Indian Mutiny), 239.
14. Fran9ois de Sales, 143.
16. William Edwards (Indian Mutiny), 239.

PSALM xxvi.-v. 2. Abelard, 73.
8. PauJa. 29; Hugh of Cluni, 5i lo. Langland, 80.

PSALM xxvii. - Rev. George Walker, 195 ; G. J. Romanes, 211 ; James Hannington, 232.
(/. l. Oxford University, 15 ;
Savonarola, 89; Francois de Sales, 142 ;
James Melville, 178.
9. Gregory the Great, 49.
14-16. William Edwards (Indian Mutiny), 239.
i4. Alien Gardiner, 229.
16. Lady Jane Grey, 109.

PSALM xxvin. - James Hannington, 232.
v. 8. Coins of Black Prince, 15.

PSALM xxix.-v. 8. George Herbert, 123.

PSALM xxx.-Bishop Hooper, 100 ; James Hannington, 232.

PSALM xxxi.-Savonarola, 8 8,89;
Charles V., 92; Fisher, 95 ; Bishop Hooper, 100.
v. i. Mere Angelique, 146 ; Xavier, 98.

PSALM xxxi.-v. 1-8. Dante, 79.
6. Our Saviour, 16; Stephen, 16 ; Basil, 24 ; Charlemagne,57 ; Becket, 60. ^

PSALM XXXL-&. 6; Hus, 86,
92 ; Jerome of Prague, 86; Luther, 89, 92 ; Melancthon, 89; Tasso, 92;
Columbus, 92 ; Charles ^<uv V-, 92; Fisher, 95, ioo;
John Houghton, 96; Thomas Cromwell, ioo; Hooper, ioo; Ridley, ioo; Robert Southwell, 102 ; Lady Jane Grey, no; Duke of Suffolk, no ; Egmont, 113 ;
Horn, 113; Mary, Queen of Scots, 116; George Herbert, 123; Wishart, I76; John Knox, 176;
HughM'Kail,^; Donald Cargill, 186; James Renwick, 190; Newman Gerontius, 205; Henry Martyn, 225; Madame de Noailles, 235.

PSALM xxxn.-Augustine, 36 ; Ruskin, 217.
u. i. Dante, 79; Langland, 80.
2, Izaak Walton, 158.
7, 8. Alexander Peden, 187.

PSALM xxxin.-v. 2. Benedictine Rule, 50.
I/, 18. Madame Prosni, 145.

PSALM xxxiy.-William Law, - 202.
v. i. Theodore the Martyr, 21.
5. Fisher, 95.
10. Columba, 45 ; Alien Gardiner, 229.
n. Baithen, 45.
> . 11-15.-Benedictine Rule, 49.

PSALM xxxv.-v. 3. Thomas a Kempis, 76.
10. Thomas a Kempis, 76,
23. The Armada, 63, 117.

PSALM xxxvi.-v. 7.Langland, 80.

PSALM xxxvu.-v. 5. David Livingstone, 231.
l6. Jeanie Deans (Scott), 181.
25. JeanieDeans, 181; Baillie of Jerviswood, 189.

PSALM xxxvm.-Bishop Hooper, 100.
v. 7 Maine de Biran, 210.
15. George Herbert, 123.

PSALM xxxix.-Ambrose, 36. (^d^u
v. i. Pambo, 27 ;. Benedictine Rule, 50. C^^,,
8. Shakespeare, 122 .
10. Calvin, 128.

PSALM XL.-v. i. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.
2. Francis of Assist, 69 ;
Robert Southwell, 101.
5. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.
6. Cromwell, 173.
21. Queen Elizabeth, 113.

PSALM XLII.-Daniel M'Michael, 190.
y< i. Early Christians, 20 ;
George Beisley, 101 ;
Henry II., 125.
2. Fran9ois de Sales, 143.
- 6. Manning, 205.
14. Vladimir Monomachus, 96; Jeanie Deans, 182..

PSALM XLIII.-Baptism of Augustine, 36 ; Anthony of Navarre, 125.
v. 3. Thomas Chalmers, 207.
5. Luther, 90; Jeanie Deans, 182.

PSALM XLIV.-James Melville, 177.
v. 23. Ambrose, 24.

PSALM XLV.-Coronation Services, 14; Philip Nicolai, 104.
v. 8. Gregory VII., 58. Vc y<^

PSALM XLVI.-Demetrius of the Don, 64, 126; Luther, and Melancthon, 90;
, Luther andThomas Carlyle, 90; Luther, 104;
Cromwell, 169, 174; Napoleon III., 236; Havelock, 237.
v. i. Turstin of York, 67.
1-3. Rev. George Walker, 195-

PSALM XLVI.-v, 4. Bernard and Fountains Abbey, 68.
^ ' 5. Cathedral at Kieff, 37;
Mediaeval cosmogony The Holy City, 74. j
7. John Wesley, 202.
7-n. Rev. George Walker, 195-
TO. Vincent of Lerins, 51;
(- Richard Cameron, 185 ;
ames Renwick, 190.

PSALM XLVIII.-Ruskin,2i7; The Camisards, 151.
v. i3. Shakespeare, 122.

PSALM XLIX.-v. i. Gregory azianzen, 36.
7. Matthew Arnold, 2i4.

PSALM L.-v. 16. Origen, 25. ,

PSALM LI.-Savonarola, 88, 89 ;
More, 94, ioo ; Lady Jane Grey, 110 ; Duke of Suffolk, 110; Egmont, ,112; Wolfgang Schuch, 131; Jacques Roger, 15 2;
Fran9ois Benezet, 152 ;
Bunyan, 166 ; Wishart, 176.
v. i. Neck-verse, 14.
: 1,2. William Carey, 224.
7. Langland, 80; Shakespeare, 121 ; Henry Martyn, 226.
10, n. Teresa, 99.
1-2. Thomas Arnold, 205.
a?n(i^/i3. Savonarola-Michel Angelo's picture, 89.
17. Augustine, 34; Langland, 80 ; Teresa, 99.
18. Henry V., 64.

PSALM LII.-Charles I. and the Scottish Camp, 163.

PSALM LV.-Darnley, 115. -sa
i v. 6. Jerome, 28 ; Byron, 213 ;
Browning, 215.
6. 7. Benedictines at York, 67.
7. Turstin of York, 67.
8. Fountains Abbey, 68.
15. Hooker, 107.

PSALM LV.--4/. 18. Benedictine Rule, 50. '" '' - -. . ?
22. Alien Gardiner, 229. &^ l
25. Burghley, 119.

PSALM LVI.-Charles I., 163.

PSALM LVII.-v. i. Alien Gardiner, 229; altar at Bourget, 236.
8. Robert Sanderson, 158.

PSALM LVIII.-v. 4. Shakespeare, 121 ; Milton, 164.

PSALM LX.-St. Cuthbert, 46.
v. i. John Houghton, 96.
--.2. Bishop Hall, 157.
n. John Howard, 220.

PSALM LXII.-Bishop Hooper 99.
v. i, 2. Augustine, 35.
^ 5. James Gardiner, 233.
5-8. Alien Gardiner, 230.

PSALM LXIII.-Beza, l2&; Chrysostom, 128.
v. 9. Thomas a Kempis, 76.

PSALM LXV.-v. i I.Robert Southwell, 101.
12. John Wesley, 202.

PSALM LXVI.-v. 14. Bunyan, 165.
- i8. Thomas a Kempis, 76.

PSALM LXVIII. - Antony, 26 ;
Browning, 26 ; Charlemagne, 57; Savonarola, 8 8; The Huguenots, 126,
i28,133,136, 137, i44;
Beza, i28, 133; Cromwell, 173; Moscow, 236.
u. i. National Anthem, 14;
Cromwell, 173 ; Alexander Peden, 188 ; Rev.
George Walker, 194.
4. Shakespeare, 122. u-v^0'^
5. Shakespeare, 121 ; Alexander M'Robin, 190 ;
William Edwards (Indian Mutiny), 239.
15. Shakespeare, 121.
18. Bunyan, 167.

PSALM LXIX.-Bishop Hooper, 100.
v, 12. Archbishop Laud, -161,

PSALM LXXI.-Mary, Queen of Scots, 116; Bishop Jewel, 123; William Wilberforce, 204.
v. i. John Howard, 220.
8. GeorgeHerbert,i23; Jewel,i23; Robert Sanderson, 158; Madame de Noailles, 235.
10. Madame de Noailles, 235.

PSALM LXXII.-Athanaslus, 31
Ruskin, 217.
v. 10, ii. Christian Art, 14.
i9. Thomas a Kempis, 76.

PSALM LXXIII.-Early Christians, 20; Bishop Hooper, 99.
,� v. i. Bishop Hooper, loo ; Coligny, 135.
'""C 24. Jerome, 29.
25. Charles Wesley, 203.

PSALM LXXIV.-Vaudois, 147 ;
Covenanters, 182.

PSALM LXXV.-Ruskin, 217.

PSALM LXXVI.-English Nation (Spanish Armada), 117;
Robert Bruce, 117;
Huguenots, 133 ; Covenanters, 184; Kingsley, 206.
v. 2. John Endicott, 156.
n. Turstin of York, 67.

PSALM LXXVII.-Bishop Hooper, 99, i0o.
v. 3. Fran9ois de Sales, 143.
7-9. Bunyan, 167.

PSALM LXXVIII.-v. 30. Turstin of York, 67.

PSALM LXXIX.-Huguenot prisoners, 132 ; The Jews, 132; The Puritans, 132;
The French Revolution, 132; Carthusians of Woburn, 132 ; Jean Rabec,i33; James Melville, 177.
; v. i. Jerome, 38.
1-4. Bede, 47.

PSALM Lxxix.-y. 2. Parsons, 132;
Luisa de Carvajal, 132.
5, 6. Augustine, 35.
9, io. Crispin and Crispinian, 21.
12. John Howard, 220.


PSALM LXXX.-v. 5. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 215.*
8. Theodosius, 62.
13. Origen,25; Shakespeare, 121.

PSALM LXXXII.-v. i. Bishop Andrewes, 157.

PSALM LXXXIII.-Benedict, 52 ;
President Kruger, 241.
v. 4. President Kruger, 241.

PSALM LXXXIV. - Benedictine Rule, 50 ; Isabel Altson and Marion Harvie, 191.
v. i. Paula, 29.
t, 2. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.^
2. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.
11. Paula, 29; Thomas Aquinas, 51. " <"
12. Carlyle, 234*. ~ '

PSALM LXXXV.-Cromwell, 169, i74.
v. 8. The Imitatio Christi, 75.
9. Robert Southwell, ioi/(;
10. Langland, 81.

PSALM LXXX vi.-v. 7. David I. of Scotland, 73. ^ A
13. Casaubon, 129.
15. Tennyson, 214.

PSALM LXXXVII.-Bp.Hooper, 99, 100.
V. I. University of Durham, 15.
2. Augustine, 36.

PSALM T-XXXVIII.-v. 7-10. Henry of Navarre, 135.
n. Wordsworth, 214.
18. Henry of Navarre, 135.

PSALM LXXXIX.-v. i. Fran9ois de Sales, 143.
8. Cromwell, 173.
47. Shakespeare, 120.

PSALM xc.-Isaac Watts, 17;
Charles V., 92 ; John Hampden, 163; Newman-Gerontius, 205 ;
Ruskin, 217.

PSALM xci.-Beza, 128 ; Casaubon, 129 ; Ruskin, 217.
tc<^ v. i. Henri de Rohan, 144.
4. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.
yW^ 9. Savonarola, 88.
i3. Augustine, 35 ; Barbarossa and Pope Alexander III., 61.

PSALM xcn.-Casaubon, 129.
^ v. 4. Dante, 78.

PSALM xcin.-The Covenanters, 181.
v. 2. Mediaeval cosmogony, 74.

PSALM xcv.-Battle-cry of the Templars, 63, 126.
:-,&, . 6. Christian Friedrich Schwartz, 223.

PSALM xcvi.-William Law, 202.

PSALM c.-Shakespeare, 106 ;
Longfellow, io6;William Kethe,io6; Louis Bourgeois, 106.
v. 2. Edward Fitzgerald, 215.
o I^LM ci.-Death of Monica, (u^ 24 ; Columba, 44 ; Nicephorus and Vladimir Monomachus, 71 ; Ridley,100; Bacon,120.
v. 6, 7. Bacon,120.
10. Bacon, 120.

PSALM en.-David Brainerd, 221.
v. 6. Christian Art, 14.
6, 7. Robert Southwell, 102.
n. Sundials, 15.
i^cJL. 13. Fisher, 95.
17. Alien Gardiner, 229.

PSALM cm.-James Renwick, 190; Sanderson, 158;
William Law, 202; Ruskin, 217.
l). i. David Livingstone, 231.

PSALM civ.-Mediaeval cosmogony, 75 ; Humboldt,
209"; Ruskin, 217.

PSALM civ.-u, 3. Shakespeare, 122.
5. Mediaeval cosmogony, 74.
26. Mediaeval cosmogony, 75.
28. Langland, 80.
29-30. Lady Jane Grey, 109.
30. Wilfrid, 53.
32. Becket, 60.

PSALM cv.-v. i. Baxter's pulpit, 200.

PSALM cvi.-v. 3. Louis IX., 74.

PSALM cvn.-Alexander Duff, 228.
v. 8. Cromwell, 169.
16. The Golden Legend, 82 ;
20. Wishart, 176.
43. Alexander Duff, 228.

PSALM cvm.-President Kruger, 240.

PSALM cix.-v. 6-^Ot Bunyan, : 168.

PSALM ex.-Luther, 90 ; Cromwell, 173, t74.

PSALM cxi.-William Law, 202.
v. 4, 5. Dunstan, 54. V,.^^
10. Charles Bailly, 100.

PSALM cXn.-Ruskin, 217.
v. 4. James Melville, 178; Thos. Chalmers, 206.

PSALM cxin.-Calvin, 128.

PSALM cxiv.-Francis Borgia, Duke of Gandia, 51 ;
Dante, 7 3 ; Huguenots' on the Loire, 135; Milton, 163.
v. 3. Antoninus the Martyr, 62.
4. Theodosius, 62.

PSALM cxv.-John Sobieski, 63,
126 ; Cardinal Ximenes, . . at siege of Oran, 64. \
v. I Agincourt, 63; Henry IV.,'
63 ; Shakespeare, 121 ;
Bernard Palissy, 127 ;
William Wilberforce, 204.
v. 4-8. Jean Leclerc, 131.
4, 5. Early Christians, 21.
8. Cromwell, 170.

PSALM cxv.-y. 16. Burghley,i20.

PSALM cxvi.-<t Quaker " Wallace, 240.
v. i3. Bernard, 63.

PSALM cxvu.-Cromwell, 173.

PSALM cxvin.-Basil in Pontus, 27 ; Luther, 89 ;
Charles V., 91 ; Huguenots, 133 ; Landing of William of Orange, 192 ; Rev. Geo. Walker, .195.
v. 6. Cowper, 212^
14. Donald Cargill, 186; William Law, 201; Cowper, 212.
l6-end. Donald Cargill, 186.
17. Wyclif, 84 ; Luther, 89,
91 ; Cowper, 212.
18. Baldwin, .63; Cowper, 212.
23. 24. Cromwell and the Scottish troops, 173.
[i" ^S- 'Queen Elizabeth, 113.
24. 25. Huguenots, battle of Courtras, 136 ; d'Aubigne, 137; Louis Rang, 152 ; Jacques Roger, 152 ; Rochette, 153.
26. Charlemagne, 57.
29. Cowper, 212.

PSALM cxix.-Augustine, 36 ;
<( Little Alphabet of the Monks," etc., 76 ;
William Wilberforce, 204; Ruskin, 217; Henry Martyn, 226 ; David Livingstone, 230; William Edwards (Indian Mutiny), 238, 239.
v. 6. David Brainerd, 223.
20. Thomas Chalmers, 206.
24. Ruskin, 217.
25. Theodosius, 33^ Nicasius of Rheims, 39; Dante, g^on-- 78.
28. Maine de Biran, 210.
30. David Brainerd, 222.
- -36. Pascal, 146.
45. David Brainerd, 22:2.

PSALM cxix.-v. 62. Benedictine Rule, 50. U- - - ^
65-70. Francois I., 131.
/i. Francois I., 131.
p6. A. P. Stanley, 206.
97. David Brainerd, 222.
. 105. Shakespeare, 122.
116. Benedictine Rule, 50.
i2i. David I. of Scotland, 73.
137. Emperor Maurice, 21.twrtit
,148. Izaak Walton, 158.
-^158. Philip Doddridge and Col. James Gardiner, 232.
164. Benedictine Rule, 50.
175. Silvia, mother of Gregory, 49.

PSALM cxx.-v. 4. Cromwell, 169.
5. Benedictines at York, 66; Bacon, 120; Hooker, 233 ; Carlyle, 233.

PSALM cxxi.-The Covenantcrs, 181; David Livingstone, 231; James Hannington, 232 ; William Edwards (Indian Mutiny), 364. .
v. i. Dante, 78.
3. Coghill family, 14.
4. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.

PSALM cxxii.-The Ettrick Shepherd, 214. ^
v. l. Gregory and Nonna, 23 ;,^m
The Huguenots, 126. .,^

PSALM cxxiv.-Justus Jonas, 104 ; John Durie, 178.
v. 5. Edward Irving, 208.
6. Huguenot seal, 127. U^^

PSALM cxxvi.-James Melville, 178.
y. l. Robert Estienne, 129.

PSALM cxxvii.-Pope Clement HI., 63. ^,.
v. l. Compton family, 14; City of Edinburgh, 14 ; Eddystone Lighthouse, 15 ; Huguenot house at Xainton, 130; Benjamin Franklin, 156.
2., Madame Guy on, 146.

PSALM cxxvn.-y. 3. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 215.
4-6. Bunyan, 168.

PSALM cxxvin.-Henry II., 125.

PSALM cxxix.-Henri Arnaud, 147.
v. 3. Alexander Peden, 188.

PSALM cxxx.-Luther, 104, 122 ;
Hooker, 122; P. Fletcher, 122 ; Diane de Poitiers, 125 ; John Wesley,202; French Royalists, 234.
' y. 3. Beza, 129; Bunyan, 167.
P^ALM cxxxii.-v. 15. Gall, 43 ;
lak^ Anselm, 59.
^^ 18. Paulinus, 24.
19. Shilling of Edward VI.. I5

PSALM cxxxin.-v. i. Langland, 81.

PSALM cxxxv.-David Livingstone, 231.
y. 7. Mediaeval cosmogony, 75.

PSALM cxxxvi.-Athanasius,3i;
Milton, 163.

PSALM cxxxvii.-Vincent de Paul, 140; Camoens, 140.
\ivcfr- v. 4. Jerome, 28 ; John II., 140.
8. Calvin, 154; Sir Robert Hamilton, 185.

PSALM cxxxix.-O.H. German fragment of 9th century, 41 ; Linnaeus, 41 ;
Thomson, 41 ; Ruskin, 21^
^. v. 6. More, 94.
3^"L\24. Port Royalists, 146.

PSALM CXLI.-Early Christians, 20.
v, 2. Shakespeare, 121.

PSALM CXLII.-Francis of Assisi, 70.

PSALM CXLIII.-v. 8. Savonarola^ 87.

PSALM CXLIV.-Bernard, 63.
v. i. Philip Jones, 119.
4. Sundials, 15.

PSALM CXLV.-Paul Gerhardt, 104; Milton, 164; James Gardiner, 233.
v. i. William Law, 201.
3. Augustine, 33. ^
9. Langland, 80. *<
10. William Carey, 224.
13. Mosque at Damascus," 37.
i7. John Howard, 220.

PSALM CXLVI.-William Law. 202.
v. 2. Stratford, 161.
3. Ordericus Vitalis, 71.

PSALM CXLVII.-William Law, 202.
v. 5. Augustine, 33.
9. Shakespeare, 121.

PSALM CXLVII.-v. 18. Victory over Spanish Armada, 117.

PSALM CXLVIII.-Francis of Assist-Canticle of the Sun, 69 ; Newman Gerontius, 205.
iy. 4. Mediaeval cosmogony, 74-

PSALM CXLVIII.-v. 8. Mediaeval cosmogony, 75 ; Alexander Peden, 187.

PSALM CXLIX.-Thomas Muntzer,io7; Caspar Schopp, 107.

PSALM CL.-Benedictine Rule-7,
Bell-casting, 50 ; Newman-Gerontius, 205.
v. 6. John VIII., 40.