. |
In this index the historical instances of the use of the Psalter, which in the text are given chronologically, are arranged under the particular Psalms to which they refer.
PSALMS I.-viii.-Milton, 163.
PSALM l.-Byron, 213 ; Ruskin, 217.
v. 2. Jerome, 28
4. Boswell, 213.
PSALM II.-Luther, 90.
PSALM III.-English nation, 117;
The Huguenots, 125.
v. 5, 6. Duff (Indian Mutiny), 238.
PSALM IV.-Luther, 90.
v. i. Augustine, 36.
2. Augustine, 36.
7. James Melville, 178 ;
James Gardiner, 233.
9. Gorgonia, 23; Luther, 23,
89 ; Langland, 80; Ridley, 100.
PSALM V.-v. 7. Louis IX., 74.
PSALM vi.-Becket, 60 ; Bishop Hooper, 100; Mar of s
version, 104 n. ; Catherine de Medicis, 125.
u.i. Florin
of Edward HI., 15.
2. Maine de Biran, 210.
2-4. Jane Welsh
3. Calvin, 128.
6. Langland, 80.
PSALM vin.-Ruskin,
^ v. i, 2. Chaucer, 79.
?^-: 2; Martin of Tours, 30.
EY'^ 4.
Bernard Palissy, 127.
^; 5. EarlofArundel,toi.
PSALM vin.-v. 6, 7. Butchers' Company, 14.
PSALM ix.-v. 10, Dante, 78.
i2. Archbishop Laud, 161.
PSALM x.-Henry Martyn, 226.
PSALM xi.-Mary, Queen of Scots, 116.
PSALM xn.-Luther, 104 ; The
Tobie, 119; Ruskin, 217.
v. 6. John Howard, 220.
PSALM xin.-v. i.
Calvin, 128.
Saracen, apud Gregory of Decapolis, 21.
PSALM xiv.-Queen Elizabeth, 113 ; Ruskin, 217 ;
Henry Martyn, 227.
v. i. Bacon, 120.
2. Baldwin, 63.
PSALM xv.-Ruskin, 217; Henry Martyn, 227.
" v. i. Langland, 80.
6. Langland, 80.
PSALM xvi.-Jean Rousseau and Duchess of Orleans, . 130; Hugh M'Kail, 182;
. Henry Martyn, 227.
v. 4. William Carey, 223.
7. Beauchamp family motto, 14.
12. James Melville, 178.
PSALM xvn.-John Gibson, 190.
, v. 5. John Howard, 220,
^ ' 16. Julius Hare, 205.
PSALM xvii.-v.i6. John Howard, 220.
PSALM xvin.-u. lo. Shakespeare, 122.
8. Shakespeare, 122.
25-27. Rev.
George Walker, 195.
28. James Melville, 178.
29. Mause Headrigg, 181.
' 39, 40. Clovis, 55.
PSALM xix.-Joseph Addison, 212 ; Ruskin, 217.
v. 5. Shakespeare, 122; Milton, 164.
. i3. Bunyan,166, 167.
PSALM xx.-Gwynlliu and Cadoc, WTXW-" 48; Sir James
Simpson, v\ 211'
^" : v.-'7. Antony, 26 ; Patrick, 43 ;
\- - Adelme,ofChaise-Dieu, J^ . 64.
9. National Anthem, 14.
PSALM xxi.-Henry of Navarre, 136.
PSALM xxn.-Bp. Hooper, 100.
^ v. i. Richard I., 63. :
; 12. Shakespeare, 121.
21. Royal supporters, 14.
27. Henry Martyn,
PSALM xxin.-Chosen by Angustine as the hymn of martyrs,
21; Bishop Hooper, 99 ; George Herbert, 123 ; Isabel Alison and Marion Harvie,
191; Edward Irving, 208 ;
Joseph Addison, 212 ; Byron, 213;
Ruskin, 217.
v.i. Neander, 206.
4. James Melville, 178 ; Sir William Hamilton, 210;
JohnHoward,22o; Alexander Duff, 228.
^WtA 6. Benedictine Rule, 50 ; father of Richard Cameron,
PSALM xxiv.-Legends of South-West France, 8l; Ruskin, 217.
PSALM xxiv.- v. I. Great Exhibition of 1851,15.
7-10. Langland, 80:, The Golden Legend, 82 ', Milton, 163.
8. Alfred, Neot, 53
PSALM xxv.-Margaret Wilson, 192.
v. I. Louis IX., 74. .i
6. Pico della Mirandola, 93. ^
13. William Edwards (Indian Mutiny), 239.
14. Fran9ois de Sales, 143.
16. William Edwards (Indian Mutiny),
PSALM xxvi.-v. 2. Abelard, 73.
8. PauJa. 29; Hugh of
Cluni, 5i lo. Langland, 80.
PSALM xxvii. - Rev. George Walker, 195 ; G. J. Romanes,
211 ; James Hannington, 232.
(/. l. Oxford
University, 15 ;
Savonarola, 89; Francois de Sales, 142 ;
James Melville, 178.
9. Gregory the Great, 49.
14-16. William Edwards (Indian Mutiny), 239.
i4. Alien Gardiner, 229.
16. Lady Jane Grey,
PSALM xxvin. - James Hannington, 232.
v. 8. Coins of Black Prince, 15.
PSALM xxix.-v. 8. George Herbert, 123.
PSALM xxx.-Bishop Hooper, 100 ; James Hannington, 232.
xxxi.-Savonarola, 8 8,89;
Charles V., 92; Fisher, 95 ; Bishop Hooper, 100.
v. i. Mere Angelique, 146 ; Xavier, 98.
PSALM xxxi.-v. 1-8. Dante, 79.
6. Our Saviour, 16; Stephen, 16 ; Basil, 24 ;
Charlemagne,57 ; Becket, 60. ^
PSALM XXXL-&. 6; Hus, 86,
; Jerome of Prague, 86; Luther, 89, 92 ; Melancthon, 89; Tasso, 92;
Columbus, 92 ; Charles ^<uv V-, 92; Fisher, 95, ioo;
John Houghton, 96; Thomas Cromwell, ioo; Hooper, ioo;
Ridley, ioo; Robert Southwell, 102 ; Lady Jane Grey, no;
Duke of Suffolk, no ; Egmont, 113 ;
Horn, 113; Mary,
Queen of Scots, 116; George Herbert, 123; Wishart, I76; John Knox, 176;
HughM'Kail,^; Donald Cargill, 186; James Renwick, 190;
Newman Gerontius, 205; Henry Martyn, 225; Madame de Noailles,
PSALM xxxn.-Augustine, 36 ; Ruskin, 217.
u. i. Dante, 79; Langland, 80.
2, Izaak Walton, 158.
8. Alexander Peden, 187.
PSALM xxxin.-v. 2. Benedictine Rule, 50.
18. Madame Prosni, 145.
PSALM xxxiy.-William Law, - 202.
v. i. Theodore
the Martyr, 21.
5. Fisher, 95.
10. Columba, 45 ; Alien Gardiner,
n. Baithen, 45.
> . 11-15.-Benedictine Rule, 49.
PSALM xxxv.-v. 3. Thomas a Kempis, 76.
10. Thomas a Kempis, 76,
23. The Armada, 63, 117.
PSALM xxxvi.-v. 7.Langland, 80.
PSALM xxxvu.-v. 5. David Livingstone, 231.
l6. Jeanie Deans (Scott), 181.
JeanieDeans, 181; Baillie of Jerviswood, 189.
PSALM xxxvm.-Bishop Hooper, 100.
v. 7 Maine de Biran, 210.
15. George Herbert, 123.
PSALM xxxix.-Ambrose, 36. (^d^u
v. i. Pambo, 27 ;. Benedictine Rule, 50. C^^,,
8. Shakespeare, 122 .
10. Calvin, 128.
PSALM XL.-v. i. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.
2. Francis of Assist, 69 ;
Robert Southwell, 101.
5. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.
6. Cromwell, 173.
21. Queen Elizabeth, 113.
PSALM XLII.-Daniel M'Michael, 190.
y< i. Early Christians, 20 ;
George Beisley, 101 ;
Henry II., 125.
2. Fran9ois de Sales, 143.
- 6. Manning, 205.
14. Vladimir
Monomachus, 96; Jeanie Deans, 182..
PSALM XLIII.-Baptism of Augustine, 36 ; Anthony of
Navarre, 125.
v. 3. Thomas Chalmers, 207.
5. Luther, 90; Jeanie Deans, 182.
PSALM XLIV.-James Melville, 177.
v. 23. Ambrose, 24.
PSALM XLV.-Coronation Services, 14; Philip Nicolai,
v. 8. Gregory VII., 58. Vc y<^
PSALM XLVI.-Demetrius of the Don, 64, 126; Luther, and Melancthon, 90;
, Luther andThomas Carlyle,
90; Luther, 104;
Cromwell, 169, 174; Napoleon III., 236; Havelock, 237.
v. i.
Turstin of York, 67.
1-3. Rev. George Walker, 195-
PSALM XLVI.-v, 4. Bernard and Fountains Abbey, 68.
^ ' 5. Cathedral at Kieff, 37;
Mediaeval cosmogony The Holy City, 74. j
7. John Wesley, 202.
7-n. Rev.
George Walker, 195-
TO. Vincent of Lerins, 51;
(- Richard Cameron, 185 ;
ames Renwick, 190.
PSALM XLVIII.-Ruskin,2i7; The Camisards, 151.
v. i3. Shakespeare, 122.
PSALM XLIX.-v. i. Gregory azianzen, 36.
7. Matthew Arnold, 2i4.
PSALM L.-v. 16. Origen, 25. ,
PSALM LI.-Savonarola, 88, 89 ;
More, 94, ioo ; Lady Jane Grey, 110 ; Duke of Suffolk, 110;
Egmont, ,112; Wolfgang Schuch, 131; Jacques Roger, 15 2;
Fran9ois Benezet, 152 ;
Bunyan, 166
; Wishart, 176.
v. i. Neck-verse, 14.
: 1,2. William
Carey, 224.
Langland, 80; Shakespeare, 121 ; Henry Martyn, 226.
10, n. Teresa, 99.
1-2. Thomas Arnold, 205.
a?n(i^/i3. Savonarola-Michel Angelo's picture, 89.
17. Augustine, 34; Langland, 80 ; Teresa, 99.
18. Henry V., 64.
PSALM LII.-Charles I. and the Scottish Camp, 163.
PSALM LV.-Darnley, 115. -sa
i v. 6. Jerome, 28 ;
Byron, 213 ;
Browning, 215.
6. 7. Benedictines at York, 67.
7. Turstin of York, 67.
8. Fountains Abbey, 68.
15. Hooker, 107.
PSALM LV.--4/. 18. Benedictine Rule, 50. '" '' - -. . ?
22. Alien Gardiner, 229. &^ l
Burghley, 119.
PSALM LVI.-Charles I., 163.
PSALM LVII.-v. i. Alien Gardiner, 229; altar at Bourget, 236.
8. Robert Sanderson,
PSALM LVIII.-v. 4. Shakespeare, 121 ; Milton, 164.
PSALM LX.-St. Cuthbert, 46.
v. i. John Houghton, 96.
--.2. Bishop Hall, 157.
n. John Howard, 220.
PSALM LXII.-Bishop Hooper 99.
v. i, 2. Augustine, 35.
^ 5. James Gardiner, 233.
5-8. Alien Gardiner, 230.
PSALM LXIII.-Beza, l2&; Chrysostom, 128.
v. 9. Thomas a Kempis, 76.
PSALM LXV.-v. i I.Robert Southwell, 101.
12. John Wesley, 202.
PSALM LXVI.-v. 14. Bunyan,
- i8. Thomas a Kempis, 76.
PSALM LXVIII. - Antony, 26 ;
Browning, 26 ; Charlemagne, 57; Savonarola, 8 8; The Huguenots,
i28,133,136, 137, i44;
Beza, i28, 133; Cromwell, 173; Moscow, 236.
u. i. National Anthem,
Cromwell, 173 ; Alexander Peden, 188 ; Rev.
George Walker, 194.
4. Shakespeare, 122. u-v^0'^
5. Shakespeare, 121 ; Alexander M'Robin, 190 ;
William Edwards (Indian Mutiny), 239.
15. Shakespeare, 121.
Bunyan, 167.
PSALM LXIX.-Bishop Hooper, 100.
v, 12. Archbishop Laud, -161,
PSALM LXXI.-Mary, Queen of Scots, 116; Bishop
Jewel, 123; William Wilberforce, 204.
v. i. John Howard, 220.
8. GeorgeHerbert,i23; Jewel,i23; Robert Sanderson,
158; Madame de Noailles, 235.
10. Madame de Noailles,
PSALM LXXII.-Athanaslus, 31
Ruskin, 217.
v. 10, ii. Christian Art, 14.
i9. Thomas a Kempis, 76.
PSALM LXXIII.-Early Christians, 20; Bishop Hooper,
,� v. i. Bishop Hooper, loo ; Coligny, 135.
'""C 24. Jerome,
25. Charles Wesley, 203.
PSALM LXXIV.-Vaudois, 147 ;
Covenanters, 182.
PSALM LXXV.-Ruskin, 217.
PSALM LXXVI.-English Nation (Spanish Armada), 117;
Robert Bruce, 117;
Huguenots, 133 ;
Covenanters, 184; Kingsley, 206.
v. 2. John
Endicott, 156.
n. Turstin of York, 67.
PSALM LXXVII.-Bishop Hooper, 99, i0o.
v. 3. Fran9ois de Sales, 143.
7-9. Bunyan, 167.
PSALM LXXVIII.-v. 30. Turstin of York, 67.
PSALM LXXIX.-Huguenot prisoners, 132 ; The Jews, 132;
The Puritans, 132;
The French
Revolution, 132; Carthusians of Woburn, 132 ; Jean Rabec,i33; James Melville,
; v. i. Jerome, 38.
1-4. Bede, 47.
PSALM Lxxix.-y. 2. Parsons, 132;
Luisa de Carvajal, 132.
5, 6. Augustine, 35.
9, io. Crispin and Crispinian, 21.
12. John Howard, 220.
PSALM LXXX.-v. 5. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 215.*
8. Theodosius,
Origen,25; Shakespeare, 121.
PSALM LXXXII.-v. i. Bishop Andrewes, 157.
PSALM LXXXIII.-Benedict, 52 ;
President Kruger, 241.
v. 4. President Kruger, 241.
PSALM LXXXIV. - Benedictine Rule, 50 ; Isabel Altson and
Marion Harvie, 191.
v. i. Paula, 29.
t, 2. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.^
2. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.
11. Paula, 29; Thomas Aquinas, 51. " <"
12. Carlyle, 234*. ~ '
PSALM LXXXV.-Cromwell, 169, i74.
v. 8. The Imitatio Christi, 75.
9. Robert Southwell, ioi/(;
10. Langland, 81.
PSALM LXXX vi.-v. 7. David I. of Scotland, 73.
^ A
13. Casaubon, 129.
15. Tennyson, 214.
PSALM LXXXVII.-Bp.Hooper, 99, 100.
V. I. University of Durham, 15.
2. Augustine, 36.
PSALM T-XXXVIII.-v. 7-10. Henry of Navarre, 135.
n. Wordsworth, 214.
18. Henry of Navarre,
PSALM LXXXIX.-v. i. Fran9ois de Sales, 143.
8. Cromwell, 173.
47. Shakespeare, 120.
PSALM xc.-Isaac Watts, 17;
Charles V., 92 ; John Hampden, 163; Newman-Gerontius, 205 ;
Ruskin, 217.
PSALM xci.-Beza, 128 ; Casaubon, 129 ; Ruskin, 217.
tc<^ v. i. Henri de Rohan, 144.
4. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.
yW^ 9. Savonarola, 88.
i3. Augustine, 35 ; Barbarossa and Pope
Alexander III.,
PSALM xcn.-Casaubon, 129.
^ v. 4. Dante, 78.
PSALM xcin.-The Covenanters, 181.
v. 2. Mediaeval cosmogony, 74.
PSALM xcv.-Battle-cry of the Templars,
63, 126.
:-,&, . 6. Christian Friedrich Schwartz, 223.
PSALM xcvi.-William Law, 202.
PSALM c.-Shakespeare, 106
Longfellow, io6;William Kethe,io6; Louis Bourgeois, 106.
v. 2.
Edward Fitzgerald, 215.
I^LM ci.-Death of Monica, (u^ 24 ; Columba, 44 ; Nicephorus and Vladimir
Monomachus, 71 ; Ridley,100;
v. 6, 7. Bacon,120.
10. Bacon, 120.
PSALM en.-David Brainerd, 221.
v. 6. Christian Art,
6, 7. Robert Southwell, 102.
n. Sundials, 15.
i^cJL. 13. Fisher,
17. Alien Gardiner, 229.
PSALM cm.-James Renwick, 190; Sanderson,
William Law, 202; Ruskin, 217.
l). i. David Livingstone, 231.
PSALM civ.-Mediaeval cosmogony, 75 ;
209"; Ruskin, 217.
PSALM civ.-u, 3. Shakespeare, 122.
5. Mediaeval cosmogony, 74.
26. Mediaeval cosmogony, 75.
28. Langland,
29-30. Lady Jane Grey, 109.
30. Wilfrid, 53.
32. Becket,
PSALM cv.-v. i. Baxter's pulpit, 200.
PSALM cvi.-v. 3. Louis IX., 74.
PSALM cvn.-Alexander Duff, 228.
v. 8. Cromwell, 169.
16. The Golden Legend, 82 ;
20. Wishart, 176.
43. Alexander Duff, 228.
PSALM cvm.-President Kruger, 240.
PSALM cix.-v. 6-^Ot Bunyan, : 168.
PSALM ex.-Luther, 90 ; Cromwell, 173, t74.
PSALM cxi.-William Law,
v. 4, 5. Dunstan, 54. V,.^^
10. Charles Bailly, 100.
PSALM cXn.-Ruskin, 217.
v. 4.
James Melville, 178; Thos. Chalmers, 206.
PSALM cxin.-Calvin, 128.
PSALM cxiv.-Francis Borgia, Duke of Gandia, 51 ;
Dante, 7 3 ; Huguenots' on the Loire, 135; Milton, 163.
v. 3.
Antoninus the Martyr, 62.
4. Theodosius, 62.
PSALM cxv.-John Sobieski, 63,
126 ; Cardinal Ximenes, . . at siege of Oran, 64. \
v. I Agincourt, 63;
Henry IV.,'
63 ; Shakespeare, 121 ;
Bernard Palissy, 127 ;
William Wilberforce, 204.
v. 4-8. Jean Leclerc, 131.
4, 5. Early Christians, 21.
8. Cromwell,
PSALM cxv.-y. 16. Burghley,i20.
PSALM cxvi.-<t Quaker " Wallace, 240.
v. i3. Bernard, 63.
PSALM cxvu.-Cromwell, 173.
PSALM cxvin.-Basil in Pontus, 27 ; Luther, 89 ;
Charles V., 91 ; Huguenots, 133 ; Landing of William of
Orange, 192 ; Rev. Geo. Walker, .195.
v. 6. Cowper, 212^
14. Donald Cargill, 186; William Law, 201; Cowper,
l6-end. Donald Cargill, 186.
17. Wyclif, 84 ; Luther, 89,
91 ; Cowper, 212.
18. Baldwin, .63; Cowper, 212.
23. 24. Cromwell and the Scottish troops, 173.
[i" ^S- 'Queen Elizabeth, 113.
25. Huguenots, battle of Courtras, 136 ; d'Aubigne, 137; Louis Rang, 152 ;
Jacques Roger, 152 ; Rochette, 153.
26. Charlemagne, 57.
29. Cowper, 212.
PSALM cxix.-Augustine, 36 ;
<( Little Alphabet of the Monks," etc., 76 ;
William Wilberforce, 204; Ruskin,
217; Henry Martyn, 226 ; David Livingstone, 230; William Edwards (Indian
Mutiny), 238,
v. 6. David Brainerd, 223.
20. Thomas Chalmers, 206.
24. Ruskin, 217.
25. Theodosius, 33^ Nicasius of Rheims, 39; Dante,
g^on-- 78.
28. Maine de Biran, 210.
30. David Brainerd, 222.
- -36. Pascal,
45. David Brainerd, 22:2.
PSALM cxix.-v. 62. Benedictine Rule, 50. U- - - ^
65-70. Francois I., 131.
/i. Francois I.,
p6. A. P. Stanley, 206.
97. David Brainerd, 222.
. 105.
Shakespeare, 122.
116. Benedictine Rule, 50.
i2i. David I. of Scotland,
137. Emperor Maurice, 21.twrtit
,148. Izaak Walton, 158.
-^158. Philip Doddridge and Col. James Gardiner, 232.
164. Benedictine Rule, 50.
Silvia, mother of Gregory, 49.
PSALM cxx.-v. 4. Cromwell, 169.
5. Benedictines at York, 66; Bacon, 120; Hooker, 233 ; Carlyle, 233.
PSALM cxxi.-The Covenantcrs, 181; David Livingstone,
231; James Hannington, 232 ; William Edwards (Indian
Mutiny), 364. .
v. i. Dante, 78.
3. Coghill family, 14.
4. Fran9ois de Sales, 142.
PSALM cxxii.-The Ettrick Shepherd, 214.
v. l. Gregory and Nonna, 23 ;,^m
The Huguenots, 126. .,^
PSALM cxxiv.-Justus Jonas, 104 ; John Durie, 178.
v. 5. Edward Irving, 208.
6. Huguenot seal, 127. U^^
PSALM cxxvi.-James Melville, 178.
y. l. Robert Estienne, 129.
PSALM cxxvii.-Pope Clement HI., 63. ^,.
v. l. Compton family, 14; City of Edinburgh, 14 ; Eddystone
Lighthouse, 15 ; Huguenot house at Xainton, 130; Benjamin Franklin, 156.
2., Madame Guy on, 146.
PSALM cxxvn.-y. 3. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 215.
4-6. Bunyan, 168.
PSALM cxxvin.-Henry II., 125.
PSALM cxxix.-Henri Arnaud, 147.
v. 3. Alexander Peden, 188.
PSALM cxxx.-Luther, 104, 122 ;
Hooker, 122; P. Fletcher, 122 ; Diane de Poitiers, 125 ;
John Wesley,202; French Royalists, 234.
' y. 3. Beza,
129; Bunyan, 167.
P^ALM cxxxii.-v. 15. Gall, 43 ;
lak^ Anselm, 59.
^^ 18. Paulinus, 24.
19. Shilling of Edward VI.. I5
PSALM cxxxin.-v. i. Langland, 81.
PSALM cxxxv.-David Livingstone, 231.
y. 7. Mediaeval cosmogony,
PSALM cxxxvi.-Athanasius,3i;
Milton, 163.
PSALM cxxxvii.-Vincent de Paul, 140; Camoens, 140.
\ivcfr- v. 4. Jerome, 28 ; John II., 140.
8. Calvin, 154; Sir Robert Hamilton, 185.
PSALM cxxxix.-O.H. German fragment of 9th century,
41 ; Linnaeus, 41 ;
Thomson, 41 ; Ruskin, 21^
^. v. 6. More, 94.
3^"L\24. Port Royalists, 146.
PSALM CXLI.-Early Christians, 20.
v, 2. Shakespeare, 121.
PSALM CXLII.-Francis of Assisi, 70.
PSALM CXLIII.-v. 8. Savonarola^ 87.
PSALM CXLIV.-Bernard, 63.
v. i. Philip Jones, 119.
4. Sundials, 15.
PSALM CXLV.-Paul Gerhardt, 104; Milton, 164; James
Gardiner, 233.
v. i. William Law, 201.
3. Augustine, 33. ^
9. Langland, 80. *<
10. William Carey, 224.
13. Mosque at Damascus," 37.
i7. John Howard, 220.
PSALM CXLVI.-William Law. 202.
v. 2. Stratford, 161.
3. Ordericus Vitalis, 71.
PSALM CXLVII.-William Law, 202.
v. 5. Augustine, 33.
9. Shakespeare, 121.
PSALM CXLVII.-v. 18. Victory over Spanish Armada, 117.
PSALM CXLVIII.-Francis of Assist-Canticle of the Sun, 69
; Newman Gerontius, 205.
iy. 4. Mediaeval cosmogony,
PSALM CXLVIII.-v. 8. Mediaeval cosmogony, 75 ; Alexander Peden, 187.
PSALM CXLIX.-Thomas Muntzer,io7; Caspar Schopp, 107.
PSALM CL.-Benedictine Rule-7,
Bell-casting, 50 ; Newman-Gerontius,
v. 6. John VIII., 40.