Psalms in Human History

By ROWLAND E. PROTHERO. 6th September 1903.

Documents Psalms Index



K Index

KEBLE, John, 17, 201 ; his metrical Psalter [see Appendix A, chap. xi.], 204; his "Christian Year" quoted, 204

Kempen, 75

Kempis, Thomas a, 17, 18 ; account of, 51,75, 76 ; his Soliloquy of the Soul" [Kettlewell," Brothers," i. 181 seq.], 76

Ken, Bishop, 17

Kennedy, Jane, and Mary, Queen of Scots, 116

Kentigern, venerated as St Mungo [Montalembert, iii. 1643,47 ; recites the Psalter [Life, by Jocelyn, xiv., Pinkerton, ii. 29], 47 ', founder of Elwy [Montalembert, ii. 396], 47

Kethe, William, versifier of the Psalms, 105, 106; his "All people that on earth do dwell," 106

Kettering, the "Particular Baptists" founded at, 223

Kherson (Cherson), St Vladimir baptised at, 71 ; death of John Howard at [Memoirs, 629], 220

Kidderminster, Richard Baxter at [Orme, i. 169 %.] 201

Kieff, baptisms at, 71 ; cathedral of St Sophia at, 37

"Killing Times, The," 189-191

King, Bishop, 17

Kings, the Three, see Wise Men of t fie East

Kingsley, Charles, quoted [Letters and Memories, i. 292, 293], 2o6

Kingston, Ethelred crowned at, 54

Kirke, Major-Gen., at siege of Londonderry [Walker, June 15th], 194,196

Kirk-o'-Field, the, described, 114; death of Darnley at, 114-116

Kirkstall, Hugh of, cited (History of Fountains), see Fountains^ 66 seq.

Knox, John, introduces Genevan Psalter into Scotland, 106; quoted, 175, 176, 177 ; death of, 177

Koulikoff, defeat of Tartars at, 64,

Kremlin, the, sermon of Metropolitan in, 236

Kruger, President, quoted, 240, 241

Kussowrah, William Edwards and the Probyns at, 238-239

Kyle, Alexander Peden preaches in,l88

L Index

LA CHAISE, Pere, 147

Lacknacor, stone of, Columba born -on, 44

Lady Holland, The, wreck of, 228

Laeghaire, King, and St Patrick, 43

Lseta, stepdaughter of Paula, St Jerome addresses his treatise to her, 28

La Ferte, monastery of, 66

La Jonquiere, General, defeated by Camisards, 150

Lalande, Marquis de, defeated by Camisards at the Bridge of Salindres, 151

Lamartine, Alphonse de, 17

Lammermoor hills, Cuthbert on, 46

Lancaster, Joseph, 219

Lancaster Gaol, John Howard and prisoners in, 220

Lanfranc, Archbishop, and William the Conqueror, 58

Langen Schwalbach, sundial at, 15

Langland, 62; "Piers Plowman" quoted, 79-81

Langres, diocese of, 65

La Noue cited, 126

Laud, Archbishop, trial and death, 161; his Prayers quoted, 162

Lauderdale quoted, 183

Laval, du Chayla, prior of, 148

Law, William, 201; his<( Serious Call" ^u01-^ [Works, iv. 148-9, 159], 301, 202

Leake, captain of The Dartmouth, 196

Leclerc, Jean, death of [Crespin, p. 85], l3i

Lefevre d'Etaples, translation of the Psalter, 131

Legnano, battle of, 60

Leguat, Francois, on the island of Rodrigues [see Appendix A, chap. vii.], 127

Leighton, Robert, archbishop [Wodrow, i. 237; ii. 175], l8o

Leignes river, 65

Lennox, Duke of, and Durie, 178

Leo, St, and Rome (Gibbon, chap. xxxvi.], 39

Leo III., Pope, crowns Charlemagne, 5 7

Leo, Brother, cited [Speculum Perfectionis, chap. iv.], 69

Leonides, father of Origen [Thierry, St Jerome, i. 354], 25

Lerins, 40, 51

Lerins, Vincentius of, 51

Les Devois de Martignargues, battle of [Peyrat, ii. 85], 150

Leslie, Alexander, Covenanter, 179

Leslie, General David, defeated by Cromwell at Dunbar, 171-173

Lestrange, comrade of Coligny, 135

Leyden, Separatists at, 155

Liguge, monastery at, 30

Lille, John Howard at [Memoirs, 418], 220


Lindsay, Sir David, translates the Psalter, 175

Linnaeus, inscription on his lectureroom [Stoever, 269], 41

Livingstone, David, 18, 223; buried in Westminster Abbey [" Personal Life," 452-455], 221; account of, and death [Blackie's "Personal Life*'; ^ "Last Journals," ii. 308], 230-231

Llancarvan, monastery at [Montalembert, ii. 406], 47

Locke, John, 18; his death, 209

Locmenach, monastery of, 72

Londonderry, see Derry

Longjumeau, treaty of [Crottet, 302], i33

Lorraine, Schuch in, 131

Louis IX. (St), 19, 70; account of, and death [Martin, iv. 326-330; Perry's "St Louis"], 73, 74

Louis XIII. and Godeau, 139

Louise of Savoy, regent of France, 131

Loup, St, saves Troyes [Alban Butler, July 24], 39 ; in Britain, see Lupus {infra), 47

"Loyalty House" (Basing House) [Carlyle, " Cromwell," i. 213], 170

Lozere, caves of, 130

Lucknow, relief of, 237, 239, 240

Ludlow, Col. Edmund, his interview with Cromwell [Carlyle, iii. 5], 171

Lundy, Col., at Londonderry, 192

Lupus, of Troyes (and see St Loup), in Britain [Bede, I. xvii. and xx.], 47

Luther, 18, 86, 87, 89; writes to Ludwig Seuffel, 23 ; account of, 89-91; his hymns, 104

Lutterworth, death of Wyclif at, 84

Luynes, at Montauban, 144

Lydd, Church of SS. Crispin and Crispinian at [Hasted's Kent, 111.514], 21

Lyons, Wilfrid at, 52

Lyons, gulf of, Vincent de Paul captured in,140

Lyttelton, Lord, on Law^s "Serious Call," 201

M Index

MACAO, Camoens at, 141

Macaulay, Lord, his epitaph on Henry

Martyn quoted, 227

MacBriar, Ephraim^Old Mortality"), Hugh M'Kail prototype of, 182

Machadodorp, President Kruger's despatches from, 241

M'Kail, Hugh, 181, 190; death of [Wodrow, ii. 53, 58, 59 <],i82,183

Mackay, Alexander Murdoch, 18

Mackenzie, quoted on siege of Londonderry, 196

Maclachlan (McLauchlison), Margaret, death of [Wodrow, iv. 248,249], 191

McMichael, Daniel, death of [Wodrow, iv. 239, 240], 190 s^[cRobin, Alexander, death of [Wodrow, iv. 240], 190

Maes-Garmon, battle of [Bede, I. xvii.,xx.], 47

Magus Moor, murder of Archbishop Sharp on, 184

Maine de Biran, account of, 209-210

Maintenon, Madame de, 147

Male, William von, friend of Charles V., 91

Mamai, defeated at Koulikoff, 64

Manichees, the, Augustine and [Conf., III. v.; IX. iv.], 34, 36

Manning, Cardinal, quoted [PurcelFs <( Life," i. 68], 204

Mantes, William the Conqueror killed at, 70

Marazion, Henry Martyn at, 226

Marcella, letter of Paula and Eustochiumto,22; her community on the Aventine [Thierry, St Jerome, i. 29, 35�] 2'!f 2^* 295 letter of Jerome to, 29

Margaret, Countess of Pembroke, see Pembroke

Margaret, Countess of Richmond, see Richmond

Marguerite de Valois, and Marot, 164

Marillac, Michel de, versifier of the Psalter, 139

Marmoutier, monastery of, 30

Marot, Clement, and Charles V.,9l; his " sanctes chansonettes " [Bordier, viii., ix.; Douen, i. 709], 104,125 ; his version of the Psalms [Douen, i. 289], 126,127, 128, i33 I49 '> nls version ofthePsalms prohibited, 132, 140; Francis I. and, 132

Marston Moor, battle of, 162

Martin, St, of Tours, church of, 55 ; account of [Newman's " Historical Sketches," 11.186-190, 203; Baring : Gould, November nth], 30

Martin, Sarah, 220

Martyn, Henry, 18, 222, 228 ; account of [Kaye's " Indian Officers," i. 459 seq.; Sargent's Memoir], 224-227 ; his Journal quoted [Journal, i. 67, l62, 145, Ifi2], 22^, 224, 235, 226, 227.

Martyrs, hymn of (Augustine's) [sermo ccclxvi.], 21

Mary, Queen of Scots, 19 ; and Darnley, 113-116; death of, 116; lines written before execution, 116

Mary I., queen of England, 113

Mary II., queen of England, 193

Masham, Sir Francis and Lady, 209

Mather, Cotton, versifier of the Psalms, 156

Maurice, The Emperor, death of [Gibbon, chap. xlvi.], 21, i86

Mayenne, Due de, 137? 144.

May flower, The, 155

Mazel, Camisard historian, quoted, 151

Meaux, Leclerc, wool-comber of, 131; the prisoners of [Crespin, p. 169], 132

Mediaeval art, Jerome in [Thierry, ii 243], 30

Mediaeval science, 74, 75

Mekong river, Camoens at, 141

Melancthon, 18, 87 ; death of, 89; and Luther, 90

Melrose, Cuthbert at, 46

Melville, Andrew, 177 ; death of, 178

Melville, James, quoted [Diary, 22, 27], 177 ; death of [Diary, xxviii. s^.], 178

Metezeau, Jean, versifier of the Psalms, 139 '

Methodists, the, 199, 203

Methodius and Cyril, translation of the Bible in Sclavonic [Stanley's "Eastern Church," 368 seq.], 40

Metz, Jean Leclerc dies at, 131

Michel Angelo, his picture of Savonarola, 89

Milan, death of Ambrose at, 24 ; Council of, 31 ; Theodosius and Ambrose at, 33; Augustine at, 34, 36.

Milbourne, Luke, versifies the Psalms, 17

Milton, 17 ; versifies the Psalms, 163 ; the Psalms in his poetry, 163,164,165

"Mirror for Magistrates, The" (Psalm ci.), 120

Moir, David Macbeth, quoted (Night Hymn of the Cameronians), 184

Molesme, monastery of, 65

Monasticism, spread of, 26, 30; in Rome, 27 ; in Gaul, 30 ; in Western Europe, 40

Monica, or Monnica, 23, death of [Aug. Conf., ix. 12], 24

Monkton Farleigh, Bishop Jewel dies at,122

Monmouth, Duke of, and Cargill, 186

Montaigne quoted [Essays, I. Ivi.], 139

Montauban, 126; siege of, 144; Rochette at, 153

Montcontour, battle of, Coligny wounded at [Douen, i. 13 ; d'Aubigne, I. v., xvi.], 135

Monte Cassino, founded by Benedict, 39. 40

Montpellier, death of Benezet at, 152

Mon'trose, psalm-singing introduced at, 177

Moors, the, in Spam, 64

More, Sir Thomas, 87 ; Luther" on ["Table-talk," dcclxix.], 92; account of [Bridgett], 93-94

Morimond, monastery of, 66

Moscow, threatened by Tartars, 83, Napoleon at, 235 ; Metropolitan of, his sermon, 236

"Mouchard," 131

Mountjoy, Lord, 192

Mozmljoy, The, at siege of Londonderry [Walker, July 30th], 196

Mulla, the white stag of, 44

Mungo, St, of Glasgow (Kentigern), 47

Mtintzer, Thomas, 107

Musselburgh, Cromwell at, 171

Mutiny, the Indian, 237-240

Mwanga, King, and Bishop Hannington [Dawson, 440], 232

N Index

NANCY, Schuch burned at, 131

Nantes, Edict of, 137, 139; revoked [Puaux, vi. 87 scy.], 147, 148

Napoleon, at Moscow, 235

Napoleon III., and Revolution of 1848, 236

Naseby, battle of [Carlyle, "Cromwell," i. 192], 169

Neander, 206

"Neck-verse, the," 14

Nelson, servant to Darnley, 115-116

Neot, St, account of [Newman's ^English Saints,^ iii. 109-187], 53; recites the Psalter daily [ibid., 109, "o],53

Newman, Cardinal, 201; his " Dream of Gerontius " quoted ["Verses on various occasions,'' 323-37�]? 20S)

Newport (Monmouth), St Woolos, 56

Newton, John, 201, 203

Nicasius, bishop ofRheims, his death, 39

Nicephorus, Patriarch, instructs Vladimir [Palmer's Dissertations, 92-3], .71. 72

Nicolai, Philip, his hymn, 104

Niebelungenlied, the, 39

" Night Hymn of the Cameronians, The," quoted, 184

Nisbet, John, Death of [Wodrow, iv. 235; "Cloud of Witnesses," 466], 190

Noailles, Madame de, quoted [Duras, "Journal," etc., 192, 203], 235; death of [ibid., 284-97], 235

Noailles-Mouchy, Due de, death of [ibid., 183], 235; Marechale de [ibid., 223, 4, 5], 235

Nola, Paulinus dies at, 24

Nonna, mother of Gregory Nazianzen,, [Ullman, 17], 22, 23 -?T

Noyers, [Puaux, ii. 273], 134 "0 DEUS, ego amo Te" (Xavier^s hymn), translated, 96

O Index

Odoacer and Severinus [Montalembert, i. 374 ; Gibbon, chap. xxxvi.], 39

Oran, capture of, 64

Ordericus Vitalis quoted, on death of William the Conqueror [Hist. Eccles., VIII., xiv. andxvi.], 70, 71

Origen, 18 ; his boyhood [Thierry, St ?^ "Jerome, i. 354], 22,25; account of Thierry, 354-360], 22 ; his apostasy and remorse [Epiphanius Haer., Ixiv. 2 ; apud Migne, xli. 1072-3], 25

Orleans, cathedral of, 130

Orleans, Duchess of, and Jean Rousseau, 129,130

Ormiston, Wishart at, 176

Orthez, bridge of, 130

Ostia, Augustine and Monica at, 24

Oundle, Wilfrid dies at, 53

Oxford University, motto of, 14

P Index

PADUA, St Francois de Sales at, 142

Paiges, Sebastian, court musician to Mary, Queen of Scots, 115

Palissy, Bernard, account of [Morley, II. 242-246 ; Palaysi, 36, 37], 127

Pambo [Socrates, Eccles. Hist., IV. xxiii.], 26

Paraclete, the, oratory of, 72

Parker, Archbishop, 17 ; his Diary quoted, 105; falls from his horse [Strype, book i., chap. vii.], 105; his translation of the Psalms, 105

"Particular Baptist Society, The," founded at Kettering, 223

Pascal, Blaise, 17, i8 ; quoted [Pensees, XXIII. viii.; XIV. vii.], 146

"Pastors of the Desert, The" [see : Appendix A, chap. viii.], 151 seq.

Paterson, Bishop, and Marion Harvie [(< Cloud of Witnesses"; Wodrow, iii. 277], 191

Patrick, St, at Tara [Tripartite Life, i. 41 seq.; ii. 455 ; O'Hanlon, iii. 554^7.], 43

Patteson, Bishop, 224

Paul and Silas at Philippi, 16

Paul III., Pope, creates Fisher a cardinal, 95

Paula (the elder), account of, and death [Thierry, St Jerome, i. 32,159, l6o, 225-310, 312, 335; ii. 85-88], Ap'^28, 29; and Eustochium, 29; letter to Marcella [Thierry, i. 350; Pal.

Pilgrims' Text Society, vol. i.], 22

Paula (the younger) [Thierry, ii. 61, 241], 28,29

Paulina, daughter of Paula the elder [Thierry, i. 159, l6o], 28

Paulinus, Bishop of Nola, death of , [Bright's (< History," 334], 24

Pavia, battle of, 131

Peden, Alexander, 181 ; quoted [" Six Saints," i. 70, etc.], 185, 187, 191, 192; account of ["Six Saints,"], 186- 189; specimens of his preaching [<( Six Saints," i. 59 ; i. 90], 188

Pelican, the, as the symbol of Christ, 14

Pembroke, Margaret, Countess of, 17; translates Psalms, 118

Penitential Psalms, the {i.e., vi., xxxii.y xxxviii., li., cii., cxxx., cxliii.), Augustine [Possidius, 31], 24; Dante [Gardner's "Dante," 40], 77;

Fisher, [Bridgett, 106], 95 ; Spenser [Works, ed. Payne Collier, i.,lxxv., ed. Todd,i., clxxi. w], 118

Pentland Rising, the, account of [Wodrow; Blackader," Six Saints"], 182, 183, 187

Pepin, of France, 56

Persecution, of Diocletian, 21; of Severus, 25

Peters, Hugh, quoted [Carlyle, <( Cromwell," i. 213], 170

Philip I. of France, 70

Philip II. of Spain, and the Netherlands [Motley, pt. iii., chap. i.,

etc.], in

Phillips, Edward, quoted, 106 . |

Phocas, and the Emperor Maurice, 21

Phcenix, The, at the siege of Londonderry, 196

Pico della Mirandola, quoted [Seebohm, 117], 93; account of [Seebohm, 9; Villari, 1-77, 88, 244], 93

Picton Island, Commander Gardiner at [Marsh's Memoir, 348], 229 : .

Piers Plowman, see Langland

Pilgrim, the Bordeaux [Thierry, L 36], 24, 28, 61

Pilgrim Fathers, the, 155

Pilgrimages, 61-62 ; satirized, 62

Pitman, Dr, his school, Cowper at, 212

Pitt, William, friend of Wilberforce [<( Life," passim], 203

Plymouth, U.S.A., 156

Poissy, Henry of Navarre at, 136

Poitiers, 30, 56 . .

Poitiers, Diane de, see Diane J?I--?

Poitou, Bas-, wolves called <( Soubises " in,131

Pont de Mont vert, affair of [Peyrat, i. 287 seq.~\, 149

Pontigny, monastery of, 66

Pope, his {t Elo'ise to Abelard1) quoted, 72

Possidius, biographer of Augustine, . quoted ["Vita," Aug. 31], 24

Port Royal, abbey of, 145, 146

Port-Royalists, the, 138, 146

Prague and Wyclif, 85

Prague, Jerome of, see Jerome t( Praying Indians," Eliot's, 221

Pre-aux-clercs, the, 105

Prelacy, Scottish feeling against, 175, 190

Prestonpans, death of Col. Gardiner at [Doddridge, 179 seq.'], 232, 233

Primers, mediaeval, 103

Prison reform, 219, 220

Pnvas, 130

Probyn, Mr and Mrs, and their children, 238

Procopius cited [Bell,Gotth.,iv. 20], 48

Prosni, widow, at La Rochelle [Puaux, v. 187 seq.~\, 145

Psalms, the, the early Christians and [Palmer's Dissertations, 285 seq.~], 20, 21 ; antiphonal chanting of, introduced by Ambrose, 24; revised by Jerome, 29; Athanasius' "Exposition" and "Titles," 31; Methodius and Cyril translate, 40; in monastic life, 41, 50 ; recited by Kentigern, 47; by St Neot, 53; by pilgrims, 61; by Stephen Harding [Newman, i. 12], 65 ; Wilfrid and, 52; Savonarola on, 88, 89; Luther and, 89, 93 ; Bishop Hooper on, 99; Council of Toulouse and, 103; Prayer Book version of, 103 ; in public worship, 103, 128, 177; Huguenots and, 126 seq.', Calvin introduces chanting at Geneva, 128 ; Antoine Arnauld and, 146; singing of, in Scotland, 177; translation in Persian, 226

Psalms, metrical versions of, Addison, 211 ; Ainsworth, 156 ; Bacon, 120; Barlow, 156 ; Baxter, 201 ; Beza, 128, 133, 140; Blackmore, 17; Brady, 105 ; Bryant, 156; Buchanan, 175 ; Calvin, 127, 128 ; Carlyle, 90; Corneille, 139; Craig, 105, 106; Daye, 105 ; Desportes, 139; Dwight, 156 ; Eliot, 221 ; Elizabeth, Queen, 113, 120; Fletcher, 120; Godeau, 139; Heine, 147; Hopkins, 105- 106; James I., 106, 120; Keble, 204; Kethe, 105, 106; Lindsay, 175; Luther, 91; Marillac, 139; Marot, 91, 104, 125 seq., 140; Mather, 156; Metezeau, 139; Milbourne, 17; Milton, 163; Parker, 105 ; Pembroke, Countess of, 118 ; Racine, 139; Rous, 106, 228; Sand}^, 17 ; Sidney, Sir Philip, 118 ; 120 ; Spenser, 118, 120 ; Sternhold, 105, lo6; Surrey, Earl of, 120; Tate, 105; Waldis, 104; Wedderburns, the, 175; Whittingham, 105; Wisedome, 105; Wyatt, 120

Psalter, battle of the [Montalembert, iii. 20-26], 44

Puertocarrero, Tomas de [Stirling Maxwell, "Charles V.," 323], 91

Q Index

QUERCY, Francois Rochette in, 153

R Index

RABEC, Jean, death of [Crespin, p. 374]. ^3

Rabelai s at Liguge^ [see A ppendix A], 30

Racine translates the Psalter, 139

Raikes, Robert, 219

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 118; quoted ["Hist. of the World," book ii., chap. xvii.], 118

Rang, Louis, 151 ; death of [Peyrat, ii. 405]. 152

Regent Square, Edward Irving in, 207

"Reign of Terror, The," 234

Religion in the eighteenth century, 198-200

"Remnant, The," 181, 185

Remond, Florimond de, quoted [see Douen, i. 3], 125, 153

Remy,St, blesses Clovis, 55

Renard, Spanish ambassador, 108

Renard, Rue du, 130

"Reynard the Fox," 6,2 Kenwick, James, 181; account of [Wodrow, iv. 446-454; " Cloud of . Witnesses," 483 seq.'}, 189, 190

Revolution, the French, and Irving's preaching, 207

Rh^, island of, 144

Riccio, David, 113, 115

Richard I. at the Crusades, 63

Richard, prior and sacrist of St Mary^s, York, 67 seq,; first abbot of Fountains, 68

Richelieu, Cardinal de, 143, 144

Richelieu, Due de, 153

Richmond, Margaret, Countess of, and Bishop Fisher, 95

Ridley, Bishop, death of [Fox, 1555], loo

Rievaulx founded [Newman's "Saints," v. io8],66

Ripon, abbey of, 52, 68

Robert, abbot of Molesme, 65

Rocamadour, pilgrimages to, 62

Rochelle, La, 126, 135; siege of [Puaux, v. 180 seq.; and see Appendix A, chap. viii.], 136,144, 145.

Rochester, Earl of, quoted, 106

Rochette, Francois, account of [Peyrat ii. 435], 152-153

Rodrigues, island of, Francois Leguat at,127

Roger, Jacques, death of [Peyrat, ii. 406], 152

Rogers, Samuel, his " Italy " quoted, 6l

Rohan, Henri, Due de [see Appendix A, chap. viii.], 144

Roland, Camisard leader [Peyrat, ii. 91 . se(!-}, 15�? 1K>1

Rolle, Richard, of Hampole, 103

Romanes, G. J., 18; quoted, 211

Rome, monasticism in, 27 seq. ; taken by Alaric [Gibbon, chap. xxxi.], 38

Romney Marsh, 21

Roper, Margaret, 94

Rostislaf, 72

Rouen, death of William the Conqueror at, 71

Rous, Francis, his version of the Psalter, 17,lo6, 228

Rousseau, Jean, the painter, and the Duchess of Orleans [Douen, i. 21], 129,130

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 17

Roxburgh's "Flora Indica," 224

Royal arms, the, supporters of, 14

Rule of Antony, 40 ; of Basil, 40; of Benedict [Montalembert, i. 417; Bened. Regula], 40, 48, 49, 50, 52, J 54 ; of Cistercians [Newman, <( Life of Harding," chap. xvii.], 66, 67 ; of Isidore, 40 ; of Macarius, 40 ; of Reformed Carmelites, 98

Rullion Green, battle at [Wodrow, ii. ^oseq.], 181,18 2; inscription at, 182

Rump, the, 173

Runjepoorah, William Edwards at, 238

Rupert, Prince, atChalgrove Field, 162, 163

Ruskin, 17 ; on Sir Philip Sidney, 118 ; and Carlyle, 216-217; account of, 217, 2l8

Rye, the river, 66

Rye House Plot, the, 189

S Index

SACHS, Hans, 223

St Agnes' Mount, monastery of, Thomas a Kempis at, 18, 75

St Andrews, Wishart at, 176 ,

St Angelo, Gregory VII. a prisoner in, 58

St Apollinare Nuovo, church of, at Ravenna, 16

St Brelade's, sundial at, 15

St Gervais, abbey of, William the Conqueror dies at, 70

St Germain-en-Laye, treaty of, 135

St John, Mrs, cousin of Oliver Cromwell, 168

St Gildas de Rhuys, abbey of, 72

St Sophia, cathedral of, at Kieff, inscription [Hare's "Russia," 447- 450], 37

Saintes, 30; Palissy at, 127

Saladin, Jerusalem taken by, 63

Salem, U.S.A., Pilgrim Fathers at, 156

Salerno, tomb of Hildebrand at, 57

Sales, St Fran9ois de, see Francois

Salindres, bridge of, bat^e at [Peyrat ii. 91 seq.~}, 150, 151

Salmasius, 18 I

San Chan, island of, death of Xavier at, 96, 97

Sanderson, Robert, bishop of Lincoln, account of [Walton], 157, 158

Sandys, George, versifier of the Psalms, - 17

San Michele, sundial at, 15

Sanquhar, "Declaration" read at, 185

Saracen, the converted [Gregory of Decapolis, Serm. Hist., xxix.], 21

Savonarola, 87 ; account of [see Appendix A, chap. v.], 87-89; portraits of, 87, 89

Scheffer, Ary, his picture of Augustine and Monica, 24

Schlavia, Anselm at, 59

Scholastica, St, sister of Benedict, 50

Schopp, Caspar, his "Classicum Belli Sacr.i," 107

Schuch, Wolfgang, burned at Nancy [Crespin, p. 88], 131

Schwartz, Christian Friedrich, his mission church at Tranquebar, 223

Science, mediaeval, 74, 75

Scott, Thomas, 201, 203

Scott, Sir Walter, 17; quoted ((< Marmion," II. xvi.), 46; characters in his novels, 181, 182 ; his death [Lockhart, vii. 389], 213

Scottish Kirk, the, see Charles 7. and Charles II.

Scrooby, Separatists at, 155

Seal, old Huguenot, 127

Seeker, Archbishop, quoted by Boswell [Works, i. 223], 212

Sedan, death of Andrew Melville at, 178

Selwyn, George, and Wilberforce [<( Life of Wilberforce," i. l6], 203

"Separatists, The," at Scrooby [Arber, P- 329] 155', at Leyden [ibid.], 155

Serampore, William Carey at, 224

Sergius, the hermit, 64, 65

Serlo, the monk, history of Fountains,66

Seuffel, Ludwig, correspondent of Luther, 23

Severinus, of Noricum, 39

Severus, persecution of, 25

Sevigne, Madame de [Letter 342, ed. 1838], 145

Shakespeare, 17 ; quoted, 45,63, io6, 155, 161 ; the Psalms in, 120-122.

Sharp, James, Archbishop of St Andrews [Wodrow, in.], 179; and Hugh M'Kail, 182; his murder, 184

Sharpe, Granville, colleague of Wilberforce, 203

Sherborne, Stephen Harding at, 65

Shiraz, Henry Martyn at, 226

Shrewsbury, Earl of, and Mary, Queen of Scots, 116

Sidney, Sir Philip, 17, 118; his translation of the Psalms, 118

Sidonius Apollinaris cited, 22 l^

Siena, Spinello's frescoes at, 61

Sigismund at Council of Constance, 86

Silvia, mother of Gregory the Great [Greg. Vita, iv. 83; apud Migne, Ixxv. 230], 49

Silvia of Aquitaine [see Appendix A, chap. iv.], 6l

Simeon, Charles, 203

Simonoff monastery, 65

Simpson, Sir James, his <( Mother's Psalm," 211

Skell, the river, 68

Skene, James, Cargill's letter to ["Cloud of Witnesses," 13], i86

Slave-trade, abolition of, 203, 219

Smith, Sydney, on the Baptists, 224; Carlyle on, 233

Smith, Sir Thomas, 17

Soana, Gregory VII. born at, 57

Sobieski, John, war-cry of, 63, 126

Soissons, Crispin and Crispinian at, 21

Sorbonne, the, and Robert Estienne, 129; and Clement Marot, 132

Soubise (Le roi des Parpaillaux), 131

"Soubises," "Pierres de Soubise," 131

Southwell, Robert, account of [Works, Introd., ed. Grosart, xlix.-lix.], 101- 2; quoted [ibid., 62, 84, 103, ed. Grosart, p. lii.], 102

"Spectator, The,^ quoted, 211

Speedwell, The, at Delft [Arber, 329], - ^5

Spenser, Edmund; his version of the Penitential Psalms [Works, ed. Payne-Collier, i., Ixxv.], 8

Spinello, his frescoes at Florence [Montalembert, i. 410], 39; at Siena, 61

Stael, Madame de, and Wilberforce ["Life of Wilberforce," iy. 158, 167], 203

Stanley, Dean, his favourite psalm, 206

Stanley, H. M., finds Livingstone, 231

Steinach, the, Gall at, 42

Stephen, the martyr, 16

Sternhold, Thomas, 105-106

Stewart, Sir Thomas, uncle of Oliver Cromwell [Carlyle, i. 8i], l68

Stoddart, Colonel, death of, at Bokhara, 236

Stones, Druidic, names for, in France, 131; superstitions concerning, in S.W. France [see Appendix A, chap. iv.], 81

Strada cited [de Bello Belgico, Libb. iii. and v.], 126

Strafford, Earl of, his trial and death, 158-161

Strasburg, Bishop Hooper at, 99

Stridon, birthplace of Jerome, 28

Suffolk, Duke of, 108, no

Sundials [see Appendix A], 15

Sussex, Wilfrid in, 53

Swift, the, Wyclifs ashes thrown into, 85

Symonds, servant to Darnley, 115

T Index

TAGUS, the, passage of, 64

Tanfield Hall, Chalmers at [Hanna, iv. 341], 207

Tanlay, Coligny at, 134

Tarn, the, 149? 150.

Tartars, the, in Russia, 64

Tasso, death of, 92

Tate, Nahum, 105

Taylor, page to Darnley, 115

Taylor, Jeremy, 157 ; quoted [Works, vol. xv., p. 97], 157

Telesia, monastery at, 59

Tellier, Michel Ie, chancellor [Puaux,vi. 87 seq.'}, 148

Templars, the, battle-cry of, 63

Tennyson, his " Crossing the Bar," 186; quoted ("Rizpah"), 214; on Edward Fitzgerald, 215

Teresa, St, 87; account of [Coleridge, i.4, 8; ii.362, 369-70], 98. 99

Thebaid, the, 27 |

Theodore the Martyr ["Diet. Christiair Biography," iv. 956], 21

Theodore of Mopsuestia, quoted, 22

Theodosius, The Emperor, and Ambrose [Bright's "Fathers/' i. 519; Baunard, 448-456], 33

Theodosius, De Situ Terrae Sanctae [See Appendix A, chap. iv.], 62

Theonas, St, church of [Bright's "Fathers," i. 240; "History," 76, 77; Stanley's "Eastern Church," 283], 31

Thessalonica, massacre at, 32

Thomas, "Little Alphabet of the Monks," etc. [see Appendix A, chap. iv.; Kettlewell, ii. 119 seq.~], 76

Thomas, Surgeon, friend of William Carey, 223

Thomas Aquinas, St, 51

Thomas, St, ofVillanova, 18

Thomson, his tc Hymn" quoted, 41

Tiberius II., 21

Tierra del Fuego, Alien Gardiner at [Marsh's Memoir, 346], 229

Tobie, The, wreck of [see Appendix A, chap. vi.], 119

Toledo, Council of, 41

Topcliffe, the executioner [Southwell, ed. Grosart, liv.], 101

Torquemada, 124

Torwood, Cargill at, 186

Totila and Benedict [Montalembert, i. 4io] 39 1

Tours, Martin at, 30 ; Clovis at, 56 ; (( Le Roi Hugon," 130

Toulouse, Council of, 103; Rochette at, 153

Tower of London, the, 100

Tracy, murderer of Becket, 60

Tranent, Col. James Gardiner at [Doddridge, l88], 233

Tranquebar, church at, 223

Treasure, hidden, superstitions in S.W. France [see Appendix A, chap. iv.], 81


Tunis, death of St Louis at, 78; Vincent de Paul, slave at, 141

Turkey merchantmen, the five [see Appendix A, chap. vi.], 118

Turstin, archbishop of York, 67

Tyiney, Elizabeth, with Lady Jane Grey, 109, no

Tyndall, his version of the Psalter, 103

Tyrconnel, Lord, at siege of Derry, [Walker, ed. Dwyer], 193

U Index

UJIJI, Livingstone at [Last Journals, ii. i55] 231

Unyanyembe, Livingstone at [ibid., 229], 231

Urban II., Pope, and Anselm, 59

Uzes, cathedral at, 130

V Index

VAIJSNS, The Emperor, and Basil [Bright's ^Fathers," i. 373; Greg. Naz. orat., xx. xliii.], 32

Valladolid, death of Columbus at, 92

Vassy, massacre at, 133

Vaudois, the [Monastier, ii. 91, 126; Douen, i. 23 %.], 147

Vaughan, Henry, the Silurist, 17

Venice, Barbarossa at, 60

Vendee, La, insurrection [<( Les Chouans," ii. 135 s^.], 234

Venn, Henry, 201, 203

Victoria Nyanza, Lake, Bishop Hannington at, 232

Vienne river, Clovis at, 56

Vililla, bell of [Stirling-Maxwell's <( Charles V.," 266], 91

Vincennes, Madame Guyon at, 146

Vincent de Paul, 138; account of [Wilson, 18-22], 140, 141.

Vincentius of Lerins, 51

Virgilius, Celtic saint, 40

Vladimir, St, baptism of [Stanley's *' Eastern Church," 359; Mouiravieff, 14, 15], 71

Vladimir Monomachus, 19, 7�; account of [Stanley's " Eastern Church," ' 359^ Palmer's Dissertations, 92-3;

MouraviefT, 31, 363], 71, 72; dying injunctions to his son [Karamsin, ii. 203-9 ; Stanley, 372 sey.~\, 72

Voltaire, "Henriade" quoted [Chant. II., 121-4], 134

Vougle, battle of, 56

W Index

WALDIS, Burkhard, of Hesse, versifies Psalter, 104

Walker, George, at siege of Derry, 193, 194, quoted [ed. Dwyer, 20, 37], 193, 194, 196; his sermon [ed. Dwyer, 105 seq.~], 194, 195

Walker, Patrick, on Prelacy, quoted ["Six Saints," ii. 4], 175; his "Six

Saints" quoted, 182, 185, 187, i88

Wallace, " Quaker," at the Secundrabagh [Forbes-Mitchell, 56], 239, 240

Wallace, William, 70; death of [Tytler i. 279-80], 74

Wallis, Widow (the Particular Baptists at Kettering), 223

Walsingham, pilgrimages to, 62;

Thomas of [Rolls Series, 28, ibid., p. "9] 85

Walton, Izaak, his <( Life ofSanderson ' quoted, 158

"Walton, young," killed at Marston Moor [Carlyle, t( Cromwell," i. ' ^7], 169

"Wanderers, The," account of, 183

" Wandering Wime^his saying ["Redgauntlet," Letter xi.,], 184

Watts, Isaac, 17

Waveriey, Cistercians at [Newman*s "Saints," v. 167 /z.], 66 -

Wearmouth, monastery at, 52

Wedderburns, the, their "Spiritual Sanges," 175; quoted, 176

Welsh, Mr, <( outed" minister, at Irongray [Blackader], 180

Welsh, Jane (Carlyle), 207; quoted, 234

Wesley, Charles, 17, 201; account of, 203; death of, 203 ; hymns of, 203

Wesley, John, 224 ; and Law's *' Serious Call" [Journal, i. 94], 201 ; account of, 202; death of, 202 ; his "Collection of Psalms and Hymns" [see Appendix A, chap. xi.], 203

Whewell, William, quoted as to Julius Hare, 206

Whitby, sundial at, 15 ,

Whitefield, George [Tyerrnan, i. l6], 201

Whitehall, Cromwell^s speeches in the Painted Chamber [Carlyle, iv. 218, 220], 169,174

Whittingham, versifier of the Psalms, 105

Wight, Isle of, Wilfrid in, 53

Wigtown Martyrs, the [Wodrow, iv. 248, 249; (< Cloud of Witnesses," 440], 191

"Wild Whigs, The," t8i

Wilberforce, William, account of [see Appendix A, chap. xi.], 203, 204

Wilfrid, St, 18, 52 ; and Psalter [Montalembert, iii. 376-378], 52; account of \_ibid., iii. 376-381, 412 ; iv. 33, 48, 72, io8], 52, 53

Wilkie, James, primarius ofSt Andrews [Melville's Diary, 27], 177

William the Conqueror, and Lanfranc, 58; death of [Ordericus Vitalis, VIII., xiv. and xvi.], 70

William Rufus and Anselm [Montalembert, vi. 158 s<?y.], 58, 59

William of Orange, landing of in England, 192

Wilson, Margaret, 181 ; death of [Wodrow, iv. 248, 249], 191

Winchester, Marquis of, at Basing House, 170

Winslow, Governor, quoted [Arber, "Pilgrim Fathers," 329], 155

Wise men of the East, the, in Christian Art, 14.

Wisedome, versifier of the Psalms, 105

Wishart, George, account of [Knox, i. 125^7.], 175-177

Wither,George, versifier of the Psalms, ^ - .

Woburn Abbey, Carthusians of, 132

Wodrow, Robert, cited, 186; quoted 190

Woolos, St, at Newport (Mon.), 48

Worcester, battle of [Carlyle, iii. 172- 3], i73

Wordsworth, 17 ; quoted (Ecclesiastical Sonnets), 61; quoted ("Excursion") 214

Worms, Diet of, 91

Wotton, Sir Henry, 17

Wurtemburg, Roger ordained at, 152

Wyatt, Sir Thomas, versifier of the Psalms, 17, 120 ; insurrection of, I o8

Wyclif, John, 18, 62, 89 ; death of, 84

X Index

XAINTON, inscription at, 130

Xavier, Francis, 18, 87; death of . [Coleridge, ii. 572], 96, 97; his tt 0 Deus, ego amo Te" translated . ; [Latin text in Coleridge, i. 315], 97

Ximenes, Cardinal, 18 ; at Oran [von Hefele, transl. Dalton, p. 419], 64

Y Index

YAROSLAFF, builds church of St. Sophia at Kieff, 37

York, Duke of, and Cargill [Wodrow, book iii., chap. 4], l86 ; and Peden ["Six Saints," i, 90], 189

York, St Mary's Abbey at, 66

Ypres, Bishop of, in Yuste, Jeromite convent, Charles V. at, 91

Z Index

ZANZIBAR, Livingstone at [Last Journals, i. i seg.'], 231 ; I

Zulus, the, Commander Alien F. Gardiner and [Marsh's Memoir, chap. | iv.], 229 1

Zurich, Bishop Hooper at, 99

Zwingli, 104