
The Christian Library began in 1997 and is an non denominational Christian discipling resource ministry on the Internet. We are catholic in spirit, evangelical and reformed in doctrine, presuppositional in apologetics and missional in practice. We hold to postmillennialism. We are committed to providing you with the best Christian resources available today. Many of these resources are unique to us. We encourage those accessing our resources to be a vital part of a local Bible believing Church. Our resources should not be used instead of churching but only to suppliment your Christian life and ministry. We are passionate to help those in third world countries with limited resources. We are also committed to supporting and encouraging Indigenous Christians in Australia. May our Sovereign God richly encourage, teach and equip you through this humble ministry.

Paul Thompson - Dip Library & Info Studies - Librarian at the Christian Library & Co Founder -


Paul has a deep passion to see a new generation of emerging preachers and pastors trained and mobilized for making disciples and planting churches. He also has a burden to see God do this in Indigenous communties in central western NSW.  He believes the internet is able to deliver different media to help facilitate a revolution in ministry training and equiping across Australia and cultures with web access.

He is currently involved as a tent maker in cross cultural ministry in Australia. He ia part of the Gospel Church - Newcastle, NSW.

You can contact him at using our Contact us Page

David Kendall - Co founder - Christian Library 


David is a committed christian who has a vision for using the internet as a means of reaching the world with good christian resources.