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Scripture: Hebrews 2:9
Duration: 47:12
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But we see Jesus Hebrews 2:9 By DR Peter Masters
We continue studying the letter to the Hebrews. Let's turn together to Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 9.
Hebrews chapter 2 verse 9. But we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. For it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them present. I won't attempt to recapitulate so I propose to start at once with verse 9 this morning and these words but we see Jesus we see Jesus and because every word is of significance here we continue studying the letter to the Hebrews. Let's turn together to Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 9. Hebrews chapter 2 verse 9. But we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. For it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to for which cause he is not ashamed to call them present. I won't attempt to recapitulate so I propose to start at once with verse 9 this morning and these words but we see Jesus we see Jesus and because every word is of significance here although this isn't the main theme that I'd like us to look at and study we'll introduce our thinking with these words we see Jesus. Most unusual words really. In what sense do we see Jesus? Well the inspired writer has in mind the the eye of the mind. We see Jesus with the eye of the mind and there are two points being made by this little phrase but we see Jesus. Remember that the chapter here is contrasting the Lord Jesus Christ and his greatness and his it is sonship of God he's contrasting Christ with the angels and when he says we see Jesus it has greater significance than it might at first appear. He's reminding us that our faith is based on historical events not literally anymore but with the eye of the mind we see Jesus. How do we see him? Well we see one who was made a little lower of the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor and he's reminding his his recipients of this letter quite simply that what we see is one who literally came to earth, suffered the humiliation of death, was resurrected by the power of God. With the eye of the mind we know that these things have actually taken place well although we believe in angels and although some have seen angels yet angels don't have a definite form as the Lord Jesus Christ assumed after at his incarnation but oh the difference here something we can be absolutely sure of says the writer that the Lord Jesus Christ assumed bodily form an everlasting recognizable form he assumed it he came he suffered and died once for all to bear the
punishment of sins was the only one ever to be raised from the dead in this sense the forerunner
of those whom he would raise from the dead and now is installed at the right hand of the majesty on
high and in the the eye of the mind we can even see him there because we have the evidence of his
power in answers to prayer in our very conversion in all our spiritual experience so there's
something definite going on here but we see Jesus not actually with the eyesight but with the eye
of the mind is we can call to mind historical events and we can say that certain things have
happened the very phrase here but we see Jesus is contrasting him against even the ministry of
angels sometimes sensed sometimes we are aware of the powers of God which the scripture teaches us
is manifested often through the ministry of angels but here is something altogether different
something solid something definite and a source of assurance we see Jesus this is the reasoning here
but I want to move on to more the the theme of these verses and some of the great doctrines
which are affirmed and confirmed here in them but we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the
angels for the suffering of death that is to say he was made lower than the angels only for a short
time and for a specific purpose that for is important he was made a little lower of the angels
only for the purpose of suffering death while he was in the flesh he was lower than the angels
while he was suffering this humiliation after all his his obedience and satisfaction
that he had to to render and offer in living a voluntary obedient life as a man he made himself
to conform to a much more lowly level as it were of obedience as that of the angels he became lower
than the angels subject even to man the angels are not subject to man in that sense subject to
God yes obedient beings as the the second person of the trinity in the eternal glory the Lord Jesus
Christ of course was greatly superior to the angels now he becomes under the angels in that
he comes under a yoke which even they are not under he enters into the curse he becomes subject
to earth and to men and to pain and to bodily fatigue and limitations he becomes subject to
violence physical violence abuse scorn disappointment grief and ultimately of course
the sufferings of the cross itself all the punishment of sin angels are sinless beings
angels of holy angels will never suffer for sin angels will never be the in the state of
humiliation that the Lord Jesus Christ was in so he came from the highest glory to a position
inferior to that of the angels for the purpose of suffering death that's the reminder of that
but let's look at this this phrase at the end of verse 9 that he by the grace of God should taste
death for every man this is an important phrase taste death what does it mean well it means a
number of things first of all the word taste that's a most important word taste what does it
teach us first that he helped in a very real way all the pangs of his death you can look at food
stuffs you can describe recipes and food stuffs that's quite another thing from tasting the Lord
Jesus Christ when he suffered and died truly tasted death and he tasted death for every man
first of all in the sense that he tasted the death just as every man would have tasted death
or does taste death that's the first sense it was no different from the savior than for any mortal
man so real was his manhood though he was god man so real was his manhood so true and real his
flesh that he was subject to suffering you see there's the question of the millionaire who gives
a 6p to a fund doesn't cost him anything he doesn't feel it millionaire can give a thousand
pounds to a to a charity and not feel it forget it not notice it doesn't hurt him doesn't doesn't
seem to so much as dent his wealth never think for a moment that because it was the Lord of glory
the Son of God therefore to bear the punishment of sin to pay the penalty and the price for his
people that was just a small dent in his mighty infinite power and being oh no the scripture
teaches that because he came down out of the glorious heavens entered into a body of flesh
took became truly man he had to taste death just as every man would have tasted it he had no no
extra something to deliver him from its feeling from its pangs from its pain in fact one can
reason further he not only tasted death and its bitterness and its pain and the agony of the
punishment under which he died he not only tasted it in the sense that he felt it entirely taste
felt received it but it would have involved more suffering and pain and heartache and grief
to the Lord Jesus Christ than ever it would have meant to us if we had suffered that death and that
punishment for ourselves far more why more well because of who he was if I had to bear in my body
the eternal punishment and torment and anguish due to me for my sin oh it would be everlasting it
would be insufferable it would be beyond human speech to describe so terrible would it be and yet
it would be even worse for the Lord Jesus Christ to bear only my sin because the difference between
Christ and me is this he is holy he is pure he has a pure unblemished holy soul that I do not have
and therefore the very offensiveness of my guilt put upon him would have cost him actually more
than it would have cost me even for all eternity so what he tasted was more bitter than what I
should have tasted and when you add to that the fact that he was bearing the sum total of sin
for all his people not just for one when you add to that the fact that he was even paying a price
for the deliverance of the physical world the cosmos when you add to that the fact as we should
come to that he was paying in some mysterious measure some price for every man even to buy a
day of grace and a day of opportunity when you add all this to his suffering and death well it is as
I say just beyond human speech to describe what the Lord of glory bore but the word taste is
important because he was the Son of God it didn't ease the load or the burden mitigate the suffering
at all because he was so truly man taste is important it's important and it's a word which
is chosen by divine genius because it teaches other things yet while he suffered and died truly
he was not consumed by that death for he was also God as well as man and he was able to be raised up
after it he tasted it he endured it he drank all of it and yet it didn't destroy
the Godward part of him he survived it it didn't consume him now that's a great mystery
but you see how strangely fitting the word taste is he tasted death
ah but there's a limit on the word taste isn't there there's a limit on it and rightly because
death didn't actually consume him it didn't annihilate him he conquered it death gave Christ
all it had and he absorbed and canceled all if you can measure death all the units of death the
total mass of death that should have consigned us to hell forever and yet when it was spent
and exhausted when he had routed it all absorbed it all he was still left he tasted it it didn't
consume him that's the teaching also here in this great word taste tasted death for every man what
does it mean that he tasted it for every man does the scripture contradict itself because
again and again the scripture tells us that he suffered and bore this death primarily for his
people the scripture teaches us that the death of Christ was an effective death and everybody who's
whose sins he bore away must be forgiven because their sins are gone born away canceled by the
blood of Christ and God will not punish the same sins twice so does it the scripture contradicts
itself does it say in various places he died peculiarly for his people and then here in fact
he died for everyone and yet in a contradictory way some people are still going to perish are
still going to bear the judgment for their own sins is the scripture contradicting itself no
it can't be because as we shall see in a few moments even in these verses it goes on to to
imply quite clearly that what the savior did was primarily for those who would be saved those who
would be born again so what does it mean here by every man he tasted death for every man well there
are a number of senses of course in which the death of Christ has to do with every man
first of all every man must be either saved by or judged by the death of Christ this great central
act in the whole of human history affects every man it either covers him and saves him or at the
very least the death of Christ what Christ has done is going to be his judgment one or the other
God speaks by this Christ tasted death for every man in that the very message of the gospel is the
way by which God speaks to every man whether a man is saved whether a man is unsaved the heart
of God in this business that man is a sinner and that God would have everyone repent and that God
would provide a way the heart of God in this matter is declared at Calvary and Christ in a
sense in that sense has something for every man from his death even even the very message a very
appeal a very demonstration of the grace and willingness of God then again as I've already
hinted there was some measure of punishment on behalf of every man on Calvary because for there
even to be a day of grace for the world even to be in existence and going now for even sinful men
who are unrepentant who will come under the judgment of God to live out 70 years and not
to be instantly judged at the moment of each and every sin even for that there must be some measure
of atonement some suffering something born by Calvary so there is some mysterious measure of
suffering even for men for who for whose total sins Christ did not die and then of course Christ
died for every man in a geographical sense a geographical every this letter is written to
Jews Christ did not die only to Jews but for those who are saved whether Jew and Gentile and in that
sense alone Christ dies for every man and the every here is also meant to convey this geographical
every men from every nation from every day from every age not limited merely to the race of the
Jews the scripture isn't contradicting itself there is a very real sense in which Christ dies
for every individual man though he dies primarily and particularly and only in a in a total covering
all of sins sense for those people who are to be redeemed who will be his own whom he will call
and bring to himself that's the teaching here as we shall go on and see now look just at verse 10
for it became him that is God the Godhead Father Son and Holy Spirit or God the Father primarily
it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory
to make the captain of their salvation that is Christ perfect through sufferings it became the
Lord the Father or the whole Godhead it could be speaking of either for whom are all things and by
whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain or the author of their
salvation perfect through sufferings that word became first of all it became him literally means
it was essential for him it was necessary for him and we're reminded here here is yet another
scripture that teaches plainly that there was no alternative no alternative even for God than the
cross of Calvary as a way of forgiving and dealing with the sin of man no possible alternative the
atoning death of Christ on Calvary is not merely one of several hypothetical means that God could
have selected to deal with sin it was necessary it became him literally it behoved him it was
essential for him it was necessary was no other way in order for the captain of their salvation
to be effective in his work he must suffer and die that's essential now I'd like to look at a
number of the things in verse 10 it's a it's a great verse and perhaps I can use it to remind
you of some of these great doctrines that we've looked at before already in this epistle we think
for instance of the five points of Calvinism they're all here in this tenth verse I'll show
you as we go through it for example look at the word bringing for it became him for whom are all
things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory in bringing that's a very
powerful word what does it mean it means leading out like a shepherd takes out the sheep means
going taking the initiative going getting hold of the sheep or calling him and leading him out
if you hadn't done that he would never have come bringing that's what it means going to fetch
taking the initiative going to fetch and bring out the most important word in bringing many sons unto
glory that reminds us doesn't it of our total depravity we would never have moved to God unless
he had taken the initiative I cannot save myself I cannot wash away my own sins I cannot give myself
light and understanding and what's more I don't even want God and I don't seek God I don't desire
him it's not merely that I'm depraved in the sense that all that I knew where I might find him but I
can't and I can't cause myself to be born again and I can't cause my sins to be washed away but
I desire God and so out of my intelligence and desire I'm going to search for him and seek him
make a free choice for him no no total depravity I'm totally depraved or doesn't mean there isn't
some kind of good in me good desires good intentions but I'm totally depraved in this
sense not only can I not purchase my salvation and cause myself to be born again but left to
myself I don't even desire God I don't want to give up my sin I don't want to choose him no
altogether if I am a son and I'm going to be brought to to glory the Savior must come and
fetch me like a shepherd leads out his sheep the sheep will not go by themselves in bringing many
sons to glory the word bringing is very strong and it's most important bringing so we have total
depravity in the first but then we go on we have implied here clearly by the very same word
unconditional election don't we it's here or it became him for whom are all things and by whom
are all things in bringing many sons unto glory you couldn't have election more strongly taught
than that could you in bringing many sons unto glory there is not only the fact that I have to
be brought I wouldn't come by myself but I'm seen from heaven as a son even before I'm saved
bringing who to glory bringing sons but they're not saved yet ah but in the books of heaven it's
as though they are because they're sons they don't perhaps even know it yet they're not brought to
God yet but in bringing many sons unto glory but I don't deserve anything I'm a complete
wretch I'm against God has God seen anything in me no it's completely unfathomable it's
unconditional but he brings out sons unto glory sons who belong to him you see it in verse 9
there he by the grace of God it's all by grace there's no it's not that God has looked down and
he's seen somebody are if I preach the gospel then that fellow will be inclined to respond
therefore I'll make him a son and I'll go and fetch him has he seen anything in me any tendency
to respond to him any slight inclination to him which is a little bit greater than that in anybody
else no it's by grace altogether by grace totally undeserved mercy he didn't see anything in a son
just that because of his marvelous grace he was determined to save a great host and to go and to
bring them in I want to turn you just to one scripture don't lose your place in Hebrews but
if you look at Galatians chapter 1 here's a most interesting verse verse 15 and 16 Galatians 1
verses 15 and 16 listen to the Apostle Paul giving his testimony but when it pleased God who
separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace to reveal his son in me that I might
preach him among the heathen immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood you see the
tone of those two verses when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb what's the
implication there that God always had his hand on him that he was always one of those who God was
going to call out of his wretchedness and called me by his grace yes but he hasn't done it yet
separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace to reveal his son in me you see that
the ring about that verse as far as heaven was concerned he always was a son there would just
come a moment in time when God would reveal his son in him when he would actually call him from
his lost estate and bring him to conversion bringing many sons unto glory the Lord Jesus
already owns the sons he already has them there's been an eternal covenant but God the Father gave
to God the Son the people for his own possession if God the Son would go and bring them to glory
so we became sons even before we knew it we became sons in that on the day the great covenant was
struck and of course it wasn't struck on a day we know it's an eternal covenant but we with our
finite minds have to look at it in this way if there was a moment from the moment the covenant
was struck between the Father and the Son that's when we were called sons and it was made effective
and sealed and made secure when the Savior actually died suffered and died to purchase us
we were sons from then I may have been born in 1980 I may be converted in 1990 but in heaven I'm
a son given by the Father to the Son in eternity and actually purchased ransomed on the day of
Calvary and the day will come if I'm a son that he will reveal his son in me and I shall be called
and brought to understand the greatness of the mercy of God and call to bow the knee before the
Savior that's the situation here in bringing many sons you've got this note of unconditional
election here and of course the context demands it look at this look at verse 10 again the context
is suffering tasting death and suffering now let's read verse 10 it became him for whom are all
things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their
salvation perfect through sufferings who is he suffering for in this verse who is he suffering
for the sons so in case anyone's a little perplexed by the tasting death for every man perhaps being
a universal atonement verse it's immediately followed by a correction by the consistent
teaching of the scripture who is he suffering forces verse 10 primarily the sons to bring them
to glory that's the context of the of this passage he is going to suffer in order to lead out to bring
out the sons and so you have there this clear teaching again of limited atonement just turn
back to Galatians again chapter 4 and let me give you two verses which will show how consistent the
scripture is in teaching these things Galatians 4 and verse 6 and because ye are sons God hath
sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba father why has he done it because you
are sons did you never understand that scripture he sent forth the spirit of God into your heart
so that you came to know you were a son of the father and you came to know him why did he do it
because your sons some people take that verse and they say because you've been converted he will
send you the spirit of assurance that's not good enough he sends you the blessings of conversion
because in the books of heaven you're a son suffered and died for by the Savior that's the
teaching that's what's here and again you could don't turn to it now we'll run out of time but
you can note Romans 8 14 where there is that great teaching that those who are led by the
Spirit of God they are the sons of God before and after I want to look now briefly at the word
captain in Hebrews 2 chapter verse 10 for it became him in bringing many sons unto glory to
make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings captain what does the word
literally mean it's a strange word and it's translated in different ways in the New Testament
the Greek word is two words put together literally means beginning and principal or prime person so
it's quite easy to understand the beginner the person who begins things and who is at the same
time the principal or prime person in the matter he's the captain so if you like it's a word which
combines initiative and authorship with premiership of prime importance the principal
person in this company and the founder and designer of it that's the word it's translated
here captain a captain in those days of course was a much higher ranking officer than he is today
a captain was a combination very often of general leader and most important person he had something
of the general in him the designer and and orchestrator the author of the campaign and
throughout the campaign he was the prime person nobody moved without him a combination of
authorship initiative founding power and executing premiership executive role elsewhere in the Bible
this same word is translated in different ways perhaps the strongest translation is is in acts
where in one place he is called the prince of life the prince of life it's actually the same
word so what does it mean here the captain of our salvation the author beginner and prime mover in
our salvation that's the teaching so let's look at it again he is the captain he is bringing out
sons collecting them bringing them out people who wouldn't have moved by themselves and he's
the captain he is the prime one his orders cannot be resisted he has designed our salvation he's the
prime person in it and there you have in the very word captain this teaching of irresistible grace
listen let me put it another way I am totally depraved and lost and I'll never seek God so I
have to be brought then again I'm a son even before I know it it's not going to depend upon
whether I choose or whether I reject I am already a son in heaven the Savior has come down actually
to bring me out and to make me aware of it and to save my soul and cause me to be born again he's
suffered and died specifically for me in order to do this yes but who is he is he coming merely as
one who will appeal to me is he coming merely as a messenger who will ask me or will hand me an
invitation no friends he's coming as the captain of my salvation he's coming as one with authority
and initiative and power to command when he comes to bring out his sons he comes with high military
rank as an executive to affect it so you see their irresistible grace if he's already made me a son
and he's purchased my salvation he will come as a captain to gather me and to take me and I won't
be able to resist his command he will effectively take me and cause me to see my great spiritual
need of course as a divine captain he won't bring me to himself as a poor puppet he won't bring me
to himself simply as somebody who is forced and unwilling the way in which he will work is this
he will make me willing he will make me desire salvation above anything else he will make me run
to him for mercy but he will do it because he's coming as captain as executive as one who commands
so the very word captain here teaches us that he is the author and the effective prime mover and he
will succeed in speaking to my soul and in making me willing and there is even the final point of
the so-called five points of Calvinism here in this verse but first ten for it became him in
bringing many sons unto glory it's all there isn't it what's he doing is he just causing me to be
born again on earth in order that I might be lost and never make it to heaven what's he doing he is
bringing many sons all the way to glory doesn't say here for it became him in bringing many sons
to salvation to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings it completes it in
bringing many sons to glory well of course if we go back to the very word sons we ought to
understand this how can anybody believe that a person could be saved and then lost after all if
you're saved you you have become a son of God if somebody says ah but you can be lost well that
person may be a true believer but he's betraying something he's betraying that he doesn't understand
what it means really to be a son of God if I made a son of God the divine life is in me the mind of
Christ is in me something has been put into me by God which can never perish I've become his child
his son I'm adopted into the family of God God is the perfect father and the perfect father never
loses a son cannot disown a son cannot unmake a son I've been changed I was only flesh now I'm
flesh and spirits and my being spiritual I'm in adopted into the divine family now that can't be
undone anymore forgive the old illustration fathers mothers you can denounce a child you can
disown a child you can have nothing to do with a child in life but it doesn't alter the fact that
by blood by flesh by relationship your child can never cease to be your child it's impossible and
you see I was once flesh now I am spirit I have part of the divine life in me I'm a child of God
I can't ever cease to be that there is a relationship which can't be undone I'm transformed
and made spiritual and so not surprisingly the scripture goes all the way in bringing many sons
to glory the whole scheme is here in this one verse the richness of any of these epistles you
can sometimes turn to a single verse that has it all everything tied up there in the one verse
bringing many sons to glory we'll just close as we as we look at this tenth verse again and or
perhaps moving into verse 11 just take us a few moments and we can crown our thinking for it
became him in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through
sufferings what does that mean perfect through sufferings Christ was always perfect how can he
be made perfect does it mean he was imperfect and suffering purified him no it means it enabled him
to complete his mission before he suffered on the cross of Calvary he was not perfect as a savior
because he hadn't suffered and died he hadn't carried out the atoning death he was perfect in
his soul he was perfectly holy he was the sublime holy son of God but he wasn't perfect as a high
priest and a savior because he hadn't made an offering but that was why it was essential for
him to suffer once he'd suffered he was perfect the word perfect being meant in the sense of
complete a thing is imperfect because it isn't all there as soon as it's all there it's perfect
complete now he's a complete Savior because he's actually born the suffering of man that's what it
means here made the captain the executive of their salvation complete a perfect Savior through
sufferings he's completely affected his mission but look at now the summary of this we must just
deal with this as we close in verse 11 for here's the conclusion the little word for means never
stop reading at the end of verse 10 because if you do you've only read the reasoning and you've
missed the grand conclusion which that reasoning was leading towards for both he that sanctified
and they who are sanctified are all of one that's the first conclusion there's going to be another
four after that a second conclusion if you like you can put one in front of the first four and
two in front of the second four they're two individual conclusions from verse 10 flowing
out of it the first conclusion is for both he that sanctified and they who are sanctified are
all of one this is what it means not only was it necessary for him to suffer in order to bear the
punishment of our sins but have you ever thought of this it was also necessary for him to suffer in
order that he could be one with us put it this way there is a mighty gulf between the Lord Jesus
and us but you see how he's bridged the Gulf he has become flesh relating himself to us and he
has given us spirit relating us to him so we are now all of one there is no difference between us
why you can say the Savior has related himself to me and become my brother not simply because I have
been given spiritual life and therefore I can know him spiritually but we're still different
he's the divine ethereal son of God and I merely have some of his divinity some of his spirituality
but I'm a very different creature I shall hunk about eternity a body of flesh oh no it's even
richer than that he in order to come alongside and identify has become like me he has assumed
flesh he has given me spirit what more do you require to be a brother how how many other
similarities or traits can there possibly be in the universe has he not done everything now to
make us entirely one with him to relate us with him that's the teaching here both he that sanctify
who brings about the salvation and they who are sanctified are all of one which literally means
as much one as one can possibly be he's entered our flesh and he's caused us to enter his spiritual
life there's a lot of assurance here the implication is as surely as he has taken flesh he
is giving you spirit as dramatically as he changed to accommodate to you he is changing you to
accommodate you to him you are all of one the Godhead has come down and the God has lifted man
up and there is no difference between you all the father doesn't have a body and the Holy Spirit
doesn't have a body and when you look at the Godhead together father son and Holy Spirit we
are sons but because one member of the Godhead has assumed a body we become his brothers sons
of God and brethren of the Lord Jesus that's the amazing teaching here and there's a whole degree
of application which can flow out of it we only have time for this second for in verse 11 halfway
through for the result of this is coming into time he's doing this he's being a captain of
salvation who entered in is that we are all together one with him and the second for for
which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren he has partly done this in order to
impress upon us that because we are with him he isn't a slightest bit revolted at us turned away
by us ashamed by us he has made himself like us it's his way of signifying and impressing upon us
he's great love for us it signifies a whole realm of things let me just briefly describe some of them
to you why you can be befriended by somebody great somebody significant somebody important
but there's always a gulf between you there's always patronage there's always the superior
befriending the inferior there's always a kind of Gulf a kind of distance the barrier of privilege
and so on not so with Christ he's taken upon a body of flesh and he keeps it and he'll wear it
to all eternity because he wants to assure us that there is no patronizing way with him there
is no superior inferior he though he is the god of all the earth he desires and he's going to refine
this throughout all eternity he desires to treat us as brethren he offers us a companionship a
friendship a tenderness a oneness a closeness such as you can't conceive except from the perhaps
feebly from the illustration of brother you can't even get it from father-son really but from
brother you can get it you can just begin to see the kind of relationship which the Lord Jesus
Christ has designed for all his people and because he's taken on a body of flesh he's
assuring us he'll never be ashamed of us he'll always treat us as equals friends brethren always
owners never fail us people are ashamed of all kinds of things some people they get an education
they get step into a new class bracket they begin to be ashamed of their parents sometimes shamed
of the way their parents speak ashamed of the way you know snobbery class shame people shamed
of husbands ashamed of wives ashamed of certain friends in certain kind of company or society
embarrassed by them but Christ is never embarrassed at his people he has taken on a body of flesh he's
become a brother he's identified himself as closely with us as he possibly could in order
that in life and in eternity we have this abundant assurance that he is determined to be to us the
closest brother conceivable he will always love us he will always look tenderly upon us he'll
always clear away the debris of our sins even if he has to discipline us firmly yet behind the
discipline behind the the the chastisement there's always the attitude of one who is not ashamed of
us who owns us who stands with us who is leading us to glory and is going to embrace us for all
eternity the friend that sticketh closer than a brother the one who delights in us and loves us
the same essence with us brotherhood emphasizing the nature of the bond for it became him in
bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings for
both he that sanctified and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to
call them brethren let's close singing him number 156 156 one there is above all others well
deserves the name of friend