Insight: How to do reformed theology today - Text

James Jordon


Free books

Important background reading when reading his books

Greg Bahnsen on James Jordon's "Interpretive maximalism."

R.S Clarke - On Jordon's "Interpretive maximalism   PDF

Editor: This long article will make deserves reading and may deeply challenge assumptions and beliefs you hold dear. While we do not endorse everything here there is much to reflect on and ponder. Note the importance of knowing our historal theology, chronology and typology. Note also the place of the seminary. Do we need to return to the old model of internships in the local church together with targetted online study?

 We are challenged here to transformation and being transforming Christians and ministers. This is the essence of church planting - glorious transformation for Christ and the gospel.

Prayer: Our God and father, forgive us for our individualism. May our Churches be transforming communties, may our preaching and teaching be transformational and not soley informational. May we always be transforming (Discipling) Christians not just reforming. Jesus, you are the arch transformer and the Bible is your blueprint for transformation. Come quickly Lord Jesus for your glorious bride. Come Holy Spirit and renew us to worship and serve you afresh through the power of the risen Christ. Amen
