Cults By Rev. Paul Seiler
ALLAN John THE RISING OF MOON Intervarsity Press, Leicester, England, 1980.
BURRELL Maurice. C THE CHALLENGE OF THE CULTS Intervarsity Press, 1981.
EARHART H Byron JAPANESE RELIGION UNITY AND DIVERSITY, Wadsworth Publishing Co. Belmont California, USA.
GROOTHIUS Douglas UNMASKING THE NEW AGE Intervarsity Press, Downer Grove, Illinois, 1986.
GRUSS Edmond CULTS AND THE OCCULT Baker, Michigan 1974 Edition.
HOEKEMA A.A THE FOUR MAJOR CULTS The Paternoster Press Ltd, Exeter, England, 1969.
KOCH Kurt OCCULT - ABC Kregel Publishing, Grand Rapids Michigan.
MARTIN Walter THE KINGDOM OF THE CULTS Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, U.S.A 1965.
MARTIN Walter THE NEW AGE CULT Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, U.S.A, 1989.
MARTIN Walter HERBERT ARMSTRONG AND THE RADIO CHURCH OF GOD, Bethany House Publishing, Minneapolis, U.S.A, 1985.
McMANUS/COOPER DEALING WITH DESTRUCTIVE CULTS Zondervan Books, Grand Rapids Michigan, 1984.
PETERSEN William THOSE CURIOUS NEW CULTS Keats Publishing, Inc New Canaan, Connecticut, 1973.
VOS Johannes A CHRISTIAN INTRODUCTION TO THE RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD Baker Book House, Grand Rapids Michigan, 1965.
ARMSTRONG Herbert THE INSIDE STORY OF THE WORLD TOMORROW BROADCASTES, Published by the World Wide Church of God, Pasadena, California.
ARMSTRONG Herbert THE PLAIN TRUTH (Varius Editions quoted) Published by the World Wide Church of God, Pasadena, California.
BAILEY Alice THE REAPPEARANCE OF CHRIST, Lucis Publishing Co, New York 1979.
BESANT Annie THE SPIRITUAL LIFE Quest Books Wheaton Illinois, USA 1991.
BLAVTSKY THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY The Theosophical Society Publishing House Wheaton Illinois, USA 1953.
EDDY Mary Baker SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH THE KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, Published by the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker G. Eddy Boston, 1934, U.S.A.
MacLAINE Shirley OUT ON A LIMB Bantam Books, Toronto, New York, London, Sydney, 1983.
SMITH Joseph THE BOOK OF MORMON Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A, 1987.
WATTS Alan THE WAY OF ZEN Penguin Books, 1957,
WHITE Ellen G THE GREAT CONTROVERSY Better Living Publications, Columbia Pike, Silver Springs, Md, 1990.
JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES PUBLICATIONS, produced by the Watchtower Publishing Co. You Live Forever; Let God Be True; Thy Kingdom is at Hand; You May Survive Armaggedon; Make Sure of All Things.
COLUMBIA ENCYCLOPEDIA Columbia University Press, New York and London.
THE NEW BROWN, DRIVER AND BRIGGS GESENIUS, HEBREW AND ENGLISH LEXICON. Associated Publishers and Authors, inc. Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. 1978.
NEW TESTAMENT COMPLETE WORD STUDY DICTIONARY, by Spiros Zodhiates, World Bible Publishers, Inc, Iowa Falls, Iowa, U.S.A.
THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION FOR THE CHURCH TODAY by Rowland Ward, Published by the Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia, 1992.
THE ANTI-NICEAN FATHERS, Volume 1, The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaus, American Edition by Clevland Cox, T & T Clark Edinburgh, 1993.
11. Una McNanus and John Cooper Dealing with the Destructive Cults Zondervan Publishing House Grand Rapids Michigan, 1984, p.40
2Leta Hutchins Christadelphians p.1
3ibid p.1
4Maurice C Burrell and J Stafford Wright Some Modern Faiths Intervarsity Press, 1974, p.59
5John Thomas Christendom Astray p.2
6Maurice C Burrell and J Safford Wright op cit p.59
7John Thomas op cit p.123.
8Leta Hutchins op cit p.2
9John Thomas op cit p.106
10ibid p. 107
11ibid p.111
12ibid p.111.
13Lita Hutchins op cit p.4
14John Thomas op cit p.103
15Lita Hutchinson op cit p.7
16W.C Irvine Heresies Exposed p.62.
17John Thomas The Revealed Mystery p.17
18 Lita Hutchinson op cit. p.11
19William Peterson Those Curious New Cults Keats Publishing Inc Canaan Conneticut U.S.A, 1973, p.110.
20ibid p.110
21Walter Martin Herbert Armstrong and the Radio Church of God, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, 1985, pp.7f
22Walter Martin The Kingdom of The Cults Bethany House Pub' , Minneapolis Minnesota, 1981, p.296.
23Walter Martin Herbert Armstrong and the Radio Church of God, op cit pp.6,7
24Herbert Armstrong The Inside Story of the World Tomorrow Broadcaste (Quoted by Walter Martin Kingdom of the Cults, Bethany House Publishers, Menneapolis Minnesota, 1977, p.306
25Herbert Armstrong Just What does it mean - Born Again p.17-19.
26Herbert Armstrong The Plain Truth Volume 28, November, 1963.
27Herbert Armstrong The Plain Truth April, 1963.
29Herbert Armstrong All About Water Baptism p.6, (Quoted by Walter Martin Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.312)
30ibid, p.11
31ibid, pp. 1-3
32Walter Martin op cit p.34
33A.A Hoekema The Four Major Cults The Paternoster Press, Exeter, 1969, p.224
34ibid p.224
35ibid p.225.
36Fritz Ridenour So What's The Difference 1967, Regal Books p.107
37Fritz Ridenour So What's The Difference Regal Books Ventura California 1979, p.108.
38 (No Author is given) You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc, 1982, p.193
39ibid p.195
40What has religion done for Mankind, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc, 1951, p.109.
41You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth op cit p.39
42ibid p. 58
43Spiros Zodhiates New Testament Complete Word Study Dictionary, World Bible Publishers, Inc. Iowa Falls, Iowa, 1992, p.995
44You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth op cit p.39.
45ibid p.40
46ibid p.143,144.
47Let God be True p.301 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (As quoted by A.A Hoekema The Four Major Cults op cit p.282.)
48You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth op cit p.130
49Let God be True p.74, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (As quoted in Walter Martin's Kingdom of the Cults, op cit p.48.
50Thy Kingdom is at Hand Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, 1944, pp. 291-92 (As quoted from A.A Hoekema The Four Major Cults op cit p.262
51Make Sure of All things, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, p.48
52You May Survive Armageddon Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, p.360
53You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth op cit p.143
54ibid p.141.
55ibid p.154
56A.A Hoekema op cit p.9
57ibid p.9
58Joseph Smith Pearl of Great Price Church of Christ of the Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, 1952, p.47
59ibid p.50,51
60ibid p.54
61ibid pp 56,57
62Fritz Ridenour op cit pp 128-130
63Walter Martin Mormonism Bethany House Publishers Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1984, p.8
64A.A Hoekema op cit p.12
65Walter Martin Mormonism op cit p.8
66A.A Hoekema op cit p.13
67Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.153
68ibid p.153.
69A.A Hoekema op cit p.14
70Walter Martin Mormonism op cit p.9
71A.A Hoekema op cit p.14
72Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.156. (Quote taken from the Mormon publication - The Articles of Faith.)
73A.A Hoekema op cit p.63
74A.A Hoekema op cit p.63
75ibid p.19 (Quoted from the Mormon publication, Evidences of Reconciliation, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1960, p.117.)
76ibid p.20
77ibid p.20
79ibid p.19
80The Westminster Confession For the Church Today (A modernised text and commentary commemorating the 350th Anniversary of the Westminster Assembly 1643-49 by Rowland Ward, Published by the Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia, 1992, p.15
81Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.162.
82The Book of Mormon Published by the Church of the Latter Day Saints, Utah
83The New Brown, Driver and Briggs Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon, p.341
84Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.168ff.
85A. A Hoekema op cit p.35 (Taken from a sermon which Joseph Smith preached on June 16th, 1844, and quoted in the Mormon publication, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith pp. 370,372.)
86ibid p.35
87ibid p.37 (Quoted from the Mormon publication, Discourses of Brigham Young, arranged by John A Widstoe, Published by Deseret Book Co, Salt Lake City, 1954, pp 22-23)
88The Westminister Confession of Faith For the Church Today op cit p.26
89A.A Hoekema op cit p.35 (Quoted from Doctrine and Covenants 130:22)
90ibid p.40 (Quoted from Journal of Discourses 1:50)
91ibid p.36 (Quoted from John A Widstoe's book, A Rational Theology , 6th edition, Deseret Books, Salt Lake City, 1952, p.69)
92ibid p.36 (Quoted from Ben E Rich Mr Durant of Salt Lake City (Deseret News Press, Salt Lake City, 1952, p.77).
93ibid p.38 (Quoted from Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith pp. 345-346)
94ibid p.38 (Quoted from Milton R Hunter The Gospel through the Ages (Deseret Book Co, Salt Lake City, 1958, p.104.)
95Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.178
96Walter Martin The Kingdom of The Cults op cit p.183 (Quoted from Articles of Faith, p.115
97ibid p.178 (Quoted from Doctrine and Covenants, Sec. 130:22)
98A.A Hoekema op cit p.53 (Quoted from Doctrine and Covenants 93:21-23).
99ibid p.192 (Quoted from Journal of Discourses, p.247)
100ibid p.193 (Quoted from Journal of Discourses, pp.219,220)
101A.A Hoekema op cit p.60 (Quoted from Articles of Faith)
102ibid p.61 (Quoted from Doctrines of Salvation 11,5,6)
103Walter Martin Kingdom of the Cults op cit pp 193,194 (Quoted from B. R McConkie What the Mormons Think of Christ, pp 27-33)
104ibid p.65 (Quoted from Doctrine and Covenants 19:31)
105A.A Hoekema p.65 (Quoted from Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p.193)
106ibid p.46 (Quoted from Articles of Faith, p.193)
107ibid p.47 (Quoted from Discourses of Brigham Young, p.24)
108ibid p.47 (Quoted from Joseph Fielding Smith, Man: His Origin and Destiny pp.351, 355)
109ibid p.50 (Quoted from the Doctrines of Salvation 1,114.)
110ibid p.172
111Walter Martin Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.112
112Walter Martin The Christians Science Myth Zondervan Publishing House, 1955.
113A.A Hoekema op cit p.172
114Fritz Ridenour So What's The Difference op cit p.118
115ibid p.120
116ibid p.126
117Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health with the Key to the Scriptures Published by the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker G Eddy Boston, U.S.A. 1934, p.126
118ibid p.521
119ibid pp. 524,525
120ibid p.526
121A.A Hoekema op cit p.185 (Quoted from Miscellaneous Writings Boston, 1896, p.171)
122ibid p.331
123A.A Hoekema op cit p.190 (Quoted from Miscellaneus Writings p.16)
124Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health op cit pp. 336,337
125ibid p.256
126ibid p.331,332
127ibid p.473
128ibid p.334
129ibid p.333
130ibid p.361
131ibid p.468
132A.A Hoekema op cit p.186 (Quoted from Miscellaneous Writings p.21)
133Colin Brown Philosophy and the Christian Faith A historical sketch from the Middle Ages to the Present Day, Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1979, p.117.
134Mary Eddy Science and Health op cit p.475
135ibid pp.377,378
136ibid p.584.
137ibid p.427,428
138ibid p.472
139ibid p.230
140ibid p.231
141ibid p.336
142ibid p.29,30
143ibid p.53
144ibid p.398
145ibid p.334
146ibid p.25
147ibid p.53
148ibid p.45,46
149ibid p.509
150ibid pp 339,340
151Walter Martin Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.360
152A.A Hoekema op cit p.89
153ibid pp 89,90
154Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.362
155A.A Hoekema pp. 92,93
156Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.364
157A.A Hoekema op cit p.95
158ibid p.97
159ibid pp. 96-98
160ibid p.99
161ibid p.99
162Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.370 (Quoted from Questions and Doctrine p.646
163ibid p380
164ibid p.371
165ibid p.371
166A.A Hoekema op cit p.126
167ibid p.123
168Ellen G White The Great Controversy Better Living Publications, Columbia Pike, Silver Springs, Md, 1990, p.341
169A.A Hoekema op cit p.136
170Walter Martin The Kingdom the Cults op cit p.386
171ibid p.392
172A A Hoekema op cit p.142
173The Anti-Nicean Fathers, Volume 1, The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, American Edition, by Cleveland Cox, T & T Clark Edinburgh, Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1993, p.147.
174ibid pp.62,63
175ibid p.186
176Maurice C Burrell The Challenge of the Cults op cit p.53
177ibid p.54
178ibid p.64
179ibid p.65
180John Allan The Rising of the Moon Intervarsity Press, Leicester England, 1980, p.33
181ibid p.56
182ibid p.56
183ibid p.58
184ibid p.56
185John Allan op cit p.21
186ibid p.10
187ibid p.11
188ibid p.13
189ibid p.28
190ibid p.29
191ibid p.14
192ibid p.15
193William Petersen Those Curious New Cults Keats Publishing Co', New Canaan, Connecticut, 1973, p.87
194ibid p.88
195Maurice Burrell op cit p.128
196William Petersen op cit p.88
197Maurice C Burrell The Challenge of the Cults op cit p.128
198William Petersen op cit p.95
199Maurice C Burrell op cit p.141
200ibid p.141
201William Petersen op cit pp. 88 & 89
202ibid p.89
203Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.224
204ibid p.224
205ibid p.224
206ibid p.224
207ibid p.224
208ibid p.225
209Helena Blavatsky The Key to Theosophy The Theosophical Publishing House Wheaton Ill USA 1953, p.51
210The Columbia Encyclopedia Columbia University Press, New York & London, p.1594
211Helena Blavatsky op cit p.51
212ibid p.226 (Quoted from Theosophical Publication - Elementary Theosophy by L W Rodgers
213ibid p.227
214ibid pp.229,230
215Johannes Vos A Christian Introduction to Religions of the World, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids Michigan, 1965, pp.34,35
216Maruice C Burell & J Stafford Wright op cit p.95
217Walter Martin Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.224
218Helena Blavatsky op cit p.226
219Annie Besant The Spiritual Life Quest Books Wheaton Ill. U.S.A 1991, p.126
220ibid p.226
221William Petersen Those Curios New Cults Keats Publishing, Inc, New Canaan, Connecticut, 1973, p.140
222ibid p.144
223 Maurice C Burrell op cit pp. 108,109
224ibid p.141
225Johannes G Vos op cit p.33
226ibid p.33
227Maurice Burrell The Challenge of the Cults op cit p.110
228ibid p.111
229Maurice Burrell op cit p.112
230ibid p.112
231William Petersen op cit p.144
232Maurice Burrell op cit p.114
233ibid p.113
234ibid p.117ff
235ibid p.120
236Westminster Confession of Faith (2:1) pp.25,26
237 William Petersen op cit pp.183,4
238ibid p.184
239ibid p.184
240Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.253
241ibid p.253
242William Petersen op cit p.185
243ibid p.185
244ibid p.185
245ibid p.186
246ibid p.186
247Walter Martin op cit p.253
248ibid p.256
249Edmund Gruss Cults and The Occult in the Age of Aquarius, op cit p.87
250Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.255
251ibid p.256
252William Petersen
253Maurice Burrell The Challenge of the Cults Intervarsity Press Leicester England 1981, p.93
254ibid p.93
255ibid p.94
256ibid p.94
257ibid p.94
258ibid p.102
259William Petersen op cit p.165
260ibid p.165
261Maurice Burrell op cit p.98
262ibid p.100
263Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.234
264Alan Watts The Way of Zen Penguin Books 1957, p.104
266ibid p.234
267William Petersen op cit p.153
268H Byron Earhart Japanese Religion - Unity and Diversity Wadsworth Publishing Co, Belmont California, 1982, p.98
269Alan Watts op cit p.180
270William Petersen op cit p.153
271William Petersen Those Curious New Cults Keats Publishing Co, New Canaan Conneticut, 1973, p.152
272Alan Watts op cit p.180
273Alan Watts op cit p.187
274H Byron Earhart Japanese Religion - Unity and Diversity Wadsworth Publishing Co, Belmont California, 1982, p.98
275Alan Watts op cit p.175
276H Byron Earhart ibid p.100
277H Byron Earhart ibid p.101
278Alan Watts op cit p.174
279Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults op cit p.239
280ibid p.237
281ibid p.237
282ibid p. 240
283Walter Martin The New Age Cult Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1989, p.8
284ibid p.17
285ibid p.18
286Erwin W Lutzer & John F DeVries Satan's Evangelistic Strategy for this New Age. Victor Books, U.S.A Canada, England, third printing 1989, p.50
287ibid p.50
288ibid p.50
289ibid pp50,51
290ibid p.54
291Noel Langley Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation - Case histories of rebirth can help you to achieve the potential of your inner self Greenhouse Publications 1989, p.8
292Erwin Lutzer & John F DeVries op cit p. 55
293Walter Martin The New Age Cult op cit p.71
294Walter Martin The New Age Cult op cit p.25
295Shirley MacLaine Out On a Limb Bantam Books Toronto. New York. London. Sydney 1983, pp. 331,332
296Morag Zwartz The New Age Gospel: Christ or Counterfiet? Parenesis Publishing 8 Alison Avenue Melbourne. p.58
297Alice Bailey The Reappearance of the Christ Lucis Publishing Co New York, 1979, p.9.
298Douglas Groothuis Unmasking the New Age Intervarsity Press Downer Grove Illinois, 1986, p.19.
299Shirely MacLaine op cit pp. 163,164
300Erwin Lutzer op cit p.14
301Morag Zwartz op cit p.20
302ibid p. 21
303ibid p.21
304ibid pp.21,22
305ibid pp. 20,21
306ibid pp 18,19
307Erwin W Lutzer and John F DeFries op cit p.74
308Walter Martin The New Age Cult op cit pp.115-118
309Douglas Groothius op cit p.112
310ibid. p.113
311ibid p.115
312ibid p.116
313ibid p.118
314ibid p.120
315ibid p.122
316Josh McDowell & Don Stewart The Occult - The Authority of the Believer over the Powers of Darkness Scripture Press, Amersham-on-the-Hill, Bucks, England, 1992, p.17
317It ought not be suppossed that evil spirits are able to predict the future with perfect accuracy. Were they able to perfectly predict the future then Satan would not have tempted Judas to betray Jesus. Satan's predictions of the the future may be quite accurate at times, but it they are far from infallible.
318Kurt Koch Occult A.B.C Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids Michigan, p. 70
319ibid. p.70
320Josh McDowell & Don Steward op cit p.41
321Kurt Koch op cit p.70
322ibid p.71
323Josh McDowell & Don Stewart op cit p.55
324ibid p.59
325William Petersen op cit p.14
326ibid p.15
327ibid p.15
328ibid p.16
329ibid pp.16 & 17
330William Petersen op cit p.20
332ibid p.68
333Josh McDowell & Don Stewart op cit p.199
334William Petersen op cit p.62
335ibid p.210