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School of Theology

This new ministry began in 2005 and aims to teach and equip pastors and preachers in the third world and those called of God and wanting help to be pastors and preachers in Christ's Church.

The School is free and aims to provide the very best in contemporary theological, historical, biblical and practical theology. Lectures are by leading reformed and evangical pastors/lecturers.

Students are encouraged to mentor under an experienced Pastor preferably in their own Church. Where this is not possible for English speaking students we have secured the services of Pastor Ross Tucker. Ross is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church of Australia. He is a graduate of both Moore Theological College, Sydney and Trinity Theological Seminary USA. Ross has degrees in Education, Mathematics and Divinity.

He is currently completing a Doctor of Ministry from Trinity and is willing to answer any questions students may have on any topic they study through the School of Theology.

Online theological study material Covenant Worldwide

Biographies Biographies of famous christian leaders

9Marks Ministries 9Marks Ministries is committed to helping local churches pursue, develop, and maintain nine of the most important marks of any healthy church.


How Do I Become A Christian by Matthais Media

Summary Of Christian Doctrine by Louis Berkof

This We Believe by Stuart Olyott This We Believe by Stuart Olyott, [MP3] + [PDF] A excellent summary off studies on the Christian Faith PDF Files and audio messages by a well-known UK pastor, author and Bible College teacher.

Grace Theological College - Pearls for Preachers Grace Theological College - Pearls for Preachers

Theological Audio Resources from John Piper Free MP3 Downloads Includes Studies in Tulip - Desiring God - The Pleasures of God and Many more

Lecture Notes on Eschatology by Samuel Waldron -PDF Lecture Notes on Eschatology by Samuel Waldron -PDF

Sound of Grace Online! - John G. Reisinger Sound of Grace Online! - John G. Reisinger.

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